12 September 1871

Springville Relief Society; Springville Tabernacle, Springville, Utah Territory

Two-story adobe building with quoins on each corner

This building, now often called the White Meeting House, was used for church meetings in Springville, Utah Territory, from 1859 until 1928. This photograph was taken circa 1880–1900. (Used by permission, Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Springville Pioneer Museum.)

Sister E R Snow spoke considered it nec[e]ssary to reorganize the Female Relief Society in Springville, Moved—and carried perposed Cinthia Cloyd [Cynthia D. Clyde] be reelected Precedenthess [Presidentess], carried Hannah [E.] Harrison and Mary Ann [O.] Roylance first and second Councellors, Hannah [H.] Carter Secretary, Sarah Jane Roylance, assistant Secretary, Sylva Elmira Sandford [Sylvia Elmina Sanford] Treasurer, Malissia Sandford [Melissa Sanford] her assistant, the former Teachers reelected in their order [. . .] [p. 13]

[. . .] Sister Snow continued, this Society is to stand in the same posision [position] as the Church, Counsellors to assist the Precedenthiss, Secretary, and Treasurer, duty to attend all Meetings, and keep a correct account of all that is received. and given out of the Treasury, all persons applying for admission in this Society must be recommended, Joseph Smith said this Society was to elivate Womanhood, they may arrive to a very high Position, Woman are very sympothetic they should act according to principle, woman are learning to act in Business, Teachers should go as Saviours fill’d with the Holy Spirit, and leave an Influance with those visited, Act as Mothers, spoke of the Sisters always having the Spirit with them when they meet, and defuse an holy Influance, we have got to use our energies we will meet with a great disapointment if we think to gain Celestial glory by following the Vanities of the World if we choose to be Saints, us woman have as much to do with our Salvation as Men, this Life is a Life of Trial, it is like a work shop, we will not lose our rewar[d] there will soon be a call to go to Jackson County, if the Sisters are faithful and leave the follies of the world alone, and not trifle away their time it will be well with them, Mothers will give the first impression they can form the Minds of their Children, they should be careful to instil honesty in their minds be careful to see that they speak the truth be firm dont threaten your Child without fulfiling what you say dont train your Daughters to Vanity, we can help each other in physically developments, read in your Society some good Book, such as will improve The minds of the young, Quilify [Qualify] yourselves for further duties if you faithfully perform your duties, you will not lose your reward the Sisters are to honour the Plurality of Wives to prove themselves, Sister [Elizabeth A.] Howard gave some good instruction corroborating Sister Snows [p. 14] Council and Advice spoke some on Poligamy related some of her experiance in that principle, expressed her appeciation of the Sisters of Springville exorted them to remember the Councils and instructions of Sister Snow.

[. . .] [p. 15]

Source Note

Springville Ward, Utah Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1871–1892), vol. 1 (1871–1874), pp. 13–15, CHL (LR 8674 14); Hannah [H.] Carter, Secretary.

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12 September 1871, Springville Relief Society; Springville Tabernacle, Springville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1871/09/1871-09-12