30 March 1872

Retrenchment Association; Fourteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

White building with wood trim

Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward meetinghouse, circa 1890. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .]

Coun Miss E R Snow

As I look around and behold so many faces beaming with intelligence and think how little time we have to meet together, how few have the privilege of speaking. I often think I occupy too much time. The subject of order is one that we meet in every department of life: we cannot exhaust it. We might consider upon it from time to time and still it would magnify It is particularly manifested in the kingdom of God in the pattern which has been revealed to us in these latter days.

God is seeking to establish a kingdom of order, when that kingdom takes the reign of goverment then we shall have no more wars & nation shall not rise up against nation. This like every <other> principle should begin at home. When our minds are in an orderly condition the spirit of God naturally dwells in them.

We as an organization of sisters have great privileges. I was very much pleased with the remarks made by the young sisters, and was forcibly struck with the improvement which has been made; they are now bringing forth intelligence that is rich. their perseverence is an example for older ones. If they continue we can hardly realize the advancement they will make their cultivation is calculated to develop them into noble womanhood. I would exhort them to continue faithful. The daughters of Zion want to exemplify, before the world, the most perfect system of order that exists. I think woman should set the example of propriety in every department of life. It is admitted that there are more good women on earth than men. And women being naturally <more> refined, therefore should set the example of propriety. I have noticed when a brother [n.p.] would be speaking and make some expression which would excite applause among the bretheren, the sisters would also unite but in a more gentle manner, to me it is very repulsive. I would like to hear the sisters express their ideas, In the Saviors time he did not consider any thing to small to notice, and was very particular in instructing his disciples how to deport themselves at public occasions; could he condescend to do so I think we should do the same. We should investigate and inform ourselves in regard to every truth. I want to hear from my sisters. we do not wish to develop the minds of a few but the whole community It is for Women to set an example in every <thing> that is pure and noble. Let us maintain our integrity the powers of darkness are so thick around us we can almost feel them. It is our privilege to hold on to the principles and keep the Spirit of the gospel to have heaven in our own bosoms and this we may cultivate by the aid of the spirit of God

[. . .] [n.p.] [. . .]

Mrs [Elizabeth M.] Wheeler made some very good remarks concerning the burial of the dead.

Coun Miss E R Snow said

While the burial of the dead is before us I want <would like> to say a few words in regard to the subject. It is proper to have the <suit> in readiness and they are just as should be considered a bridal suit as well as a burial.

[. . .]

Coun Mrs Zina [D. H.] Young said

[. . .] There is nothing meloncholy about burial clothes, to me they are more of a marriage than a burial suit. [. . .]

Coun. Miss E R Snow said

I will answer the question that has just been asked by one of the sisters, regarding the teachers of the F. R. So. [Female Relief Society] to instruct the sisters to wear their garments those who did not, it is their privilege to teach every good work and word it it requires a great deal of wisdom to give teaching in a manner that will be acceptable. I consider it a very sacred garment, and the minds of those, who go without them, should be impressed of the danger of so doing [n.p.]

[. . .]

Mrs. H. [Hannah] T King said

I feel that we are united. I do not care in what position I am placed [. . .] I did not quite understand the remarks of Sister Snow in regard to the deportment of the sisters

[. . .]

Coun Miss E R Snow said

When I spoke of our demeanor in meeting. sometimes something is said which creates a rustle among the bretheren the same spirit, though of a more gently is manifested among the sisters. They also in speaking often tutch [touch] upon something that hit the gentiles, and some of the Sisters will look and chuckle <smile> to one another at the idea of the brethern saying something that will cut them

Pres. Mrs. [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne said

We will have this same subject of Sis Snow’s for next meeting [. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Minutes of the Senior and Junior Co-operative Retrenchment Association (1870–1880), n.p., CHL (CR 100 904); Margaret Mair, Secretary.

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30 March 1872, Retrenchment Association; Fourteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1872/03/1872-03-30