7 August 1873

Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward Relief Society; Salt Lake City, Utah

[. . .]

Sister [Rachel R.] Grant arose and expressed her pleasure in meeting with her Sisters [. . .] Was pleased to have Sister Eliza Snow in our midst. [. . .] [p. 151]

Sister Eliza R Snow arose and said she had a great many thoughts while sitting. She recollected Brother Joseph Smith saying that if his Counsel were carried out, the Relief Society would be the most glorious one upon the earth. Speaking of the few that were here to represent these interests, observed that the organisation was just as important as though the house was filled.

Did not think it was necessary to say much, feeling that those present were staunch, and felt to give them God speed.

In travelling through the Nations of the earth, she realised we were the only people, who were serving God, hence how necessary to live our religion How much better to be a distinct people than to assimilate ourselves with the world.

The world generally know that our principles are superior, to the generality of professing christians. We have not much to boast of with regard to our strictness in living. How much more we would accomplish if we were more devoted to the principles of our religion.

Believed the organisation of our young people was from God, and if upheld would preserve our young girls from the folly and fashion of the world. Thought the Parents were much to blame who do not encourage the young to enter into these organisations. Though born in the Priesthood and Heirs yet they need the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, to convince them of their standing, and what is required of them.

All honest people get a portion of the Spirit of God, but the inspiration we get is by the laying on of hands through the Priesthood, even the Holy Ghost. She felt assured that if that organisation had been upheld by the Parents, our young people would not have run wild has they have done. They are not placed in a position where they can get the Spirit of the Lord which was much to be lamented. Said if she did not know that young people had as much [p. 152] capability to receive the Spirit of the Lord, and understand the principles of our religion, she would not be so dissatisfied. She did not blame the young so much as those who had more influence. These things made her heartache. Did not think that those Sisters who did not favor this organisation intended to do wrong, but had too much of the Spirit of the world. It seemed to her that our whole souls ought to be engaged in this work, and our conversation on the principles of the Gospel Spoke of the ignorance of some on the most important ordinances even the Lords Supper. Did not think that those present were guilty of the faults, she had mentioned, but urged the necessity of our using our influence, to save our young people.

Remarked that President [Brigham] Young, had called upon the Sisters to commence and learn Type Setting. He required three from each ward to study medicine. Spoke considerably on the Sisters learning Obstetrics. Did not know that those present required words of encouragement from her, felt that they were encouraged by their own faithfulness, thought that many did not take an interest in the Society, not knowing its intention or importance, for herself she knew it was of God. But do not be discouraged as the Prophet Joseph Smith said the few would save the many. Alluded to the Bishops remarks that there were more Sisters than Brethren that attended meetings which was as it should be. Joseph Smith said there were more good women than men. Closed her remarks with relating a conversation she had with an Editor in the East on Polygamy He argued why not have a Plurality of Husbands as well as Wives, she showed to him plainly what a muddle it would make in family government, and in the Kingdom of God. [p. 153]

Sister Grant said she was much pleased with Sister Snow’s remarks realised they were all true. [. . .] [p. 154]

Source Note

Thirteenth Ward, Ensign Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1906), vol. 1 (1868–1898), pp. 150–154, CHL (LR 6133 14); Elizabeth H. Goddard, Secretary.

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7 August 1873, Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward Relief Society; Salt Lake City, Utah, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1873/08/1873-08-07