29 August 1873

American Fork Relief Society; American Fork, Utah Territory

[. . .] Present Sister E R Snow, and Sister [Elizabeth A.] Howard. Sister Eliza R Snow spoke to a large audience, of the magnitude of this work, and the object of the Establishment of the Relief Society: was to Save Souls as well as to relieve the brethren of many burdens that they might Employ their time and talents in another way. It was requisite for Every woman of moral Character, and a Member of the Church. to become a member of this organization; its designation was to extend woman’s Sphere and Endow her with high and noble qualities. Felt happy that She was associated with the Society. for She loved her Sisters and the Community of Sisters; wished all to feel the magnitude of the high and noble calling of teachers in the Society and to humble themselves in prayer before God that they might have his Spirit to dictate unto them that which is necessary to relieve every household. [p. 117] not in pecuniary matters alone, but to Elevate the minds of all with whom you come in contact. Above the beggarly condition which pertains to this world, instill into their minds—Charity in its broadest Sense, cultivate chastity and purity of thought. Gave the parable of the loaves and fishes as a guide to Encourage in Small things, and Spoke Strongly a[g]ainst setting too high a value upon perishable things, but aim higher, not give up the Golden Harp for the Penny whistle.

Possessing Moral Characters all were called as members to the Society and, being Called, were under Condemnation if they did not become such, those who had joined received the blessings.

wished all to become immensely rich by holding fast to Eternal things. the riches of Earth would follow in the train. Desired all to Cultivate the Sixth Sense, which was the Spirit of God., to Enable them to both See and Enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The neglect of the moral training of our children was dwelt upon: we were prone to look well to our Stock, our Orchards and all worldly affairs. but neglectful of that higher responsibility the proper Cultivation of the minds of Children, felt it was easier to train the minds of the Child than to cultivate it after it had partially matured, it is a mothers duty to form the infant mind and to gain an ascendency over it., cultivate Honesty as the first pillar to build upon and with that foundation you may [p. 118] rear your Structure as high as you wish. Never act a lie or use deception befor your child, teach it that the Eye of God is upon it continually, teach it the Gospel of christ: for the Gospel was Equally adapted to the child as to the aged.

Desired the Sisters to organize a Society of young Ladies to instruct and Encourage them., recommended that this young Society be fitted and prepared to fill the appropriate offices which seem fit and proper for their Sphere, such as clerks, Book Keepers type setters Etc. Portrayed and compared the law of Plural Marriage with that of Monogamy. The one of God, Ennobling in its Character, the other of man, demoralizing and debasing.

[. . .] [p. 119]

Source Note

American Fork Ward, Alpine Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1901), vol. 1 (1868–1880), pp. 117–119, CHL (LR 10636 14).

See also Mary Hindley and Elizabeth Eastwood, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 2, no. 9 (1 Oct. 1873): 66.

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29 August 1873, American Fork Relief Society; American Fork, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1873/08/1873-08-29-a