4 November 1873

Farmington Relief Society and Young Ladies; Farmington Meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah Territory

Single-story, stone meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah, circa 1900

Farmington meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah, circa 1900. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .] From Salt Lake City Eliza R. Snow Zina D. [H.] Young of the Relief Society [. . .]

Pres: Mrs S. [Sarah] I. Holmes made a few opening remarks. after which Miss Eliza R. Snow adressed the meeting Said She was happy to meet with them again and was thankful there was going to be a Society for the young Ladies of Farmington as there could be nothing of more importance. explained what they what were for said they were not for retrenchment in dress altogether but to retrench from ignorance & get good Sense She did not wish them to confirm to one Style of dress but to dress with taste and make themselves look beautiful Said there was a great responsibility resting upon the young Ladies of Zion. and they could become noble women & all those who have had there endowments have the promise of becomeing queens & Priestesses. mentioned a remark made by a Professor to his pupils Saying your can Set your aim & become what [p. 13] you are a mind to be one of them Spoke up & said he would aim to become President of the U.S. & sure enough he did attaing to be vice President the Speaker Said there meetings were Calculated to refine & improve the mind & the Sooner they commence the better Said in the early part of the Church that the Children enjoyed religion as much as the elder, told of their holding a meeting at one time & how the Lord bestowed the gift upon them Said parents were more apt to be Satisfied in regard to their Children & think they were Safe because they belonged to the Church and do not teach them the Gospel as they Should untill it is to late their young minds are active & filled with novel reading & fashions not realising the Heavenly fashions & how to get the Stirit [Spirit] of God She Said we are geting young Ladies to become Physicians type Setter & so forth & want to lay hold of all these things in order to be perfect even as our Father in Heaven is perfect.

Business of the organization was then attended to [. . .] [p. 14]

[. . .] Miss Snow motioned that this Society be called The young Ladies association of Farmington which was & carried She also motioned that there be a person Selected to act as Superintendent to meet & counsel with them. Mrs. Lucinda [L.] Brown was chosen to fill that office. She enjoined it on the Mother’s to kindly <ask> their Husbands to start a Society for the young men. that the girls may not get a head of them in this matter.

[. . .]

Mrs. Mary [S.] Clark truly Said She felt as if Angels were watching over us this day. She was glad we had Sisters Snow & Young with us & felt to Say God bless them.

[. . .] [p. 15] [. . .]

Pres Mrs. Holmes Said She did not expect to add to what had been Said. She had enjoyed her Self well asked God to bless the Sisters who had favored us with a visit & motioned we give them a vote of thanks

[. . .]

Miss Snow Said She would give the young Ladies a few key words. one was punctuality & another determination, which if paid attention to would insure Success. Said this meeting would give them Something to pray for they would need God to help them.

[. . .] [p. 16]

Source Note

Farmington Ward, Davis Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1873–1950), vol. 1 (1873–1883), pp. 13–16, CHL (LR 2816 17); Aurelia S. Rogers, Secretary, and E. Louisa Stayner, Recorder.1

See also Farmington Ward, Davis Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1951), vol. 1 (1868–1878), p. 213, CHL (LR 2816 14); and Aurelia S. Rogers, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 2, no. 14 (15 Dec. 1873): 106.

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4 November 1873, Farmington Relief Society and Young Ladies; Farmington Meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1873/11/1873-11-04


  1. [1]While the Young Ladies minute book records the date for this meeting as 31 October 1873, the Relief Society minute book records the date as 4 November 1873. Snow spoke in Riverdale, Utah, twenty miles south of Farmington, on 31 October, making it more likely that 4 November is the correct date of this discourse in Farmington.