27 November 1873

Salt Lake City Nineteenth Ward Relief Society; Nineteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister E. R. Snow on being called upon said I am not prepared to say how much the society has improved but am proud to see the improvement of the Pres [Ann Agatha Pratt] and Sec [Maria W. Wilcox] in a business capacity, according to the order which is laid out that we should be as punctual in doing bussiness as the men. One of the great characteristics <and rules> of our Heavenly Father is order. I am really pleased to see my sisters systematic in doing business. In relation to the poor it is not only in relieving their individual wants but gives an opportunity for social improvement and development in the higher duties of life. It is truly an angelic work, and produces great results, [p. 245] and in performing these duties it requires great patience, self d[e]nial, and integrity combined with the saving of souls The Gospel of Christ is a cooperative system. The men were called upon some time ago to cooperate about the 16th of March 1842. Joseph [Smith] said if the principles were properly carried out it would bring about a glorious time, but the sisters were not called upon till recently. In conversing with strangers while traveling I took great pleasure in telling the[m] of the organizations of our Relief Societies. It is designed to benefit those that are in it, and every sister that bears a good moral character should be a member. When I see so few engaged in it in proportion to the mass it makes me feel ashamed. When the Teachers visit the[y] should be filled with the spirit of God, and the people should hail them with delight and welcome them kindly, but we have all kinds of spirits in the world. We should hearken to the good spirit. How degrading for us to lose sight of and forget our high and holy calling. The powers of darkness are never idle and in unguarded moments are ready to take the advantage thereby letting their light go out. How necessary that we meet together often and help to keep each other alive, our duties are just as important for us to perform as our Brethrens, and in fact it would be a difficult matter to separate our interests—In most instances the mother has more to do in shaping their future destiny then the Father. The mother has the care of them in youth when when impressions for good or otherwise are the most easily made. Mothers should set good examples before their children, she should be what she wishes her child to become, upright honest and truthful and not under handed, when we witness the great degr[a]dation to be seen on our streets, have not the mothers influence enough to lift them above these things. It makes my heart ache to see such a looseness among the youth. I think none of the girls that were organized in our societies ever married a Gentile. [p. 246] I have carefully watched the course of them that opposed these things. I am pleased to see the improvement of the young ladies I want them to be educated morally as well as mentally. I am an advocate of book learning and to develope those principles and ideas that elevate the mind, some say they cannot speak in meeting, it is almost a burlesque on the powers of speech These things are necessary to fit and prepare us for Queens & princesses. I wish to stir up my sisters to diligence, that they may be suitable companions and counsillors to their husbands, and to assist each other. Arouse yourselves! for it requires more energy to be a Saint here than to be a Mormon in the world, but be saints in very deed. Be what we profess to be that we may attain to the favor of God & not be of that class of women that are at ease in Zion. It requires great diligence to accomplish our duties at home, and to attend our meetings. I say God bless you and comfort your hearts that your names may be held in honorable remembrance and be the Saviors of many souls.

Mrs M. I. Horn [Mary Isabella Hales Horne] said she was well pleased with Sister Snows remarks [. . .] [p. 247] [. . .]

Mrs Sarah [M.] Kimball [. . .] was much pleased with the remarks of the sisters that spoken, different circumstances causes different reflections. She felt to differ a little with Sister Eliza with regard to the training of children. [. . .] [p. 248]

Source Note

Nineteenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1971), vol. 1 (1868–1875), pp. 245–248, CHL (LR 6092 14).

See also “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 2, no. 14 (15 Dec. 1873): 106.

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27 November 1873, Salt Lake City Nineteenth Ward Relief Society; Nineteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1873/11/1873-11-27