23 December 1873

Salt Lake City Second Ward Relief Society and Young Ladies; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Mrs Zina [D. H.] Young Said she wanted she wanted the faith and Prayers of the Saints that w[h]ile Miss Eliza Snow schould [should] speak and all may be edefied by the same Miss E. Snow then rose and said she was Pleased to meet with the Saints of the Second ward and more so as it was a Meeting aspealshee [especially] for to argenise [organize] a So[c]iety of young Ladies that they may now begin to take hole [hold] of the work and Carrie [carry] it forward and it will not be meny years hence when there will not be eny of the old Standers i mean those that was with the Prophet Joseph Smith as they are goine [going] behind the vale [veil] to do the work there therefore i wont [want] yau [you] young Ladies to read all good and uesfull Book and so Prepair your minds with the things of the Kingdom as your faseis [faces] are Beaming with intelengens [intelligence] and you Mothers teach and instruck [instruct] your Daughters so that they may become Mothers and even Queens in the eteurnel [eternal] Kingdom of our father and god for that is your what you are distine [destined] to be if you only do the work that is for you to do and be very Humble and Prayerfull at all times and to look forward for the time when the Temples will be finesh [finished] and the Holy ones there to Administer there for our dead friend and Aquantines [acquaintances] that they may be saved and exalted beenings [beings] I do not see there is eny hear [here] that is dressed out of the way at all therefore I shall requiest that this So[c]iety be Called the Second Ward Young Ladies Soiety but if it do[e]s not meet your minds why Just say so but it was a clear void hoping that one and all will improve your minds [p. 58]

Mrs Zina Young said she though[t] the name of the So[c]iety this was beutefule [beautiful] and and was proud of the name and if the Young Ladies where [were] united that they would do much good and as there was grate [great] Blessing in store of the Handmadiens of god what a gloraies [glorious] thing it was to look forward too and to live so as to be able to go into the temple of the most high and there be offished [officiated] and Converse with holy beeining [being] [. . .] [p. 59]

Source Note

Second Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 1 (1868–1882), pp. 58–59, CHL (LR 8214 14); Jane Rickard, Secretary.

See also “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 2, no. 15 (1 Jan. 1874): 114.1

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23 December 1873, Salt Lake City Second Ward Relief Society and Young Ladies; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1873/12/1873-12-23


  1. [1]The Woman’s Exponent reported that this meeting was held on 11 December 1873. The Second Ward minute book, however, dates the meeting as 23 December 1874.