17 January 1874

Retrenchment Association; Fourteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

White building with wood trim, Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward meetinghouse, circa 1890

Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward meetinghouse, circa 1890. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .]

Coun. Miss E. R. Snow, said,

There have been a number of petitions presented to Congress, the object of which are to deprive us of our privileges, as citizens. We should notice that the Ladies in the States are interesting themselves in behalf of Women Sufferage. I have some resolutions to read in relation to it.

She then read the same, which were adopted by the audience.

[. . .]

Coun. Miss. E. R. Snow

I do not think it wisdom for two [n.p.] or three to do all the talking. God has given us talents, and we should pray to Him for wisdom to use them properly, and to cultivate the gift of speech, for we do not know what is before us in the future, and we should make good use of our language now. It is necessary that we should cultivate the Spirit of God in our hearts. The gift of tongues is one of the gifts in the kingdom, but it is the least; there are a great many gifts that are a great deal higher than that, and when we speak in tounges we are not cultivating our own language. I want to say a few words to the young ladies; am sorry that there is only one report of their meeting here today. They ought to meet together often, for I consider there is more salvation in their associations than in any other organizations in Zion.

[. . .] [n.p.] [. . .]

Coun. Miss. E. R. Snow,

Made a few remarks about the fast meetings in Kirtland. Said she had seen great namifestations [manifestations] of the Lord in those meetings.

Sister Precinda [Presendia L.] Kimball

Then related some incidents that transpired in one of those meetings that Coun. Miss. E. R. Snow had alluded to.

[. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Minutes of the Senior and Junior Co-operative Retrenchment Association (1870–1880), n.p., CHL (CR 100 904); typescript (original not extant).

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17 January 1874, Retrenchment Association; Fourteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1874/01/1874-01-17