16 September 1874

Grantsville Relief Society; Grantsville Meetinghouse, Grantsville, Utah Territory

Single-story, white adobe building

Grantsville school and meetinghouse, Grantsville, Utah Territory. Photograph by Korral Broschinsky. (Courtesy Utah Division of State History.)

[. . .] <Sr Snow then followed and said> she wished to hear from all present invited all to speak and feel free and speak their feelings about organizing a Retrenchment Society for the Young Ladies

Every person present in turn spoke their feelings when all had done so Sr Snow [n.p.] again addressed the Meeting exhorting them to be energetic and persevering promising the blessing of the Almighty upon them if they would

Sr. Dealamar [Marie De La Mare] then Sung in tongues a Sweet and beautiful Hymn and whe[n] she had sung the Interpretation of it was found to be comforting to all Present

Sr. Snow advised the Sisters not to indulge too much in the gift of Toungues as there was danger of giving way to false Spirits by so doing but that it was a blessed gift if rightly used

Sr [Elizabeth A.] Howard then spoke in Tongues and Sr Zina Young interpreted it

All present felt to rejoice in God and to praise his holy name.

[. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Grantsville Ward, Tooele Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1869–1915), vol. 1 (1869–1880), n.p., CHL (LR 3407 14); M. Cooke, Secretary.

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16 September 1874, Grantsville Relief Society; Grantsville Meetinghouse, Grantsville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1874/09/1874-09-16-b