2 December 1874

Sugar House Relief Society; Jacob Gibson Residence, Sugar House, Utah Territory

[. . .] Miss E. R. Snow, Mrs Zina D [H.] Young, And Mrs Elizabeth [A.] Howard were present By Invitation.

President Mrs Sarah B. Gibson Said I am pleased and Thankful For this visit of the Sisters to day

We will postpone our Bussiness untill another Meeting to give the Sisters more time to speak to us.

Remarks By Mrs Zina D. Young My Sisters I am pleased to meet with you to day [. . .]

[. . .] Who are we. What are we here for. [. . .]

If we Meet together often and speak to each other and a Book of Remembrance is kept

[. . .]

We Come together to Bless and Build Each other up and Be a Blessing to Every Household.

To comfort Every Sister and Bless and Strengthen each other. [. . .] [p. 106]

[. . .]

Remarks By Miss E. R. Snow. My Sisters. Sister Zina has Been Urging the Sisters to Come to Meeting But we have Many Duties to perform.

Here are these Mothers with their Children, they think they have no time to Come to Meeting, they have So much Cooking And Cleaning and Sewing to do they think they have no time For anything Else.

My Sisters what do you want your Children to Be your Daughters Walking Milleners Shops. Your Sons puffers of Tobacco Smoke?

How are these Immortal Minds to Be Cultivated So that They may Become Ornaments in the Kingdom of God Upon the Earth.

But the Mother Says Father Should see to this Let Me differ with you My Sisters the Mother gives the First Impressions on the Mind of Her Children.

If the Mother is Honest and truthful and ful[l] of Integrity The Child will Become prepared to Become a Mother in Israell. But if the Mother is Careless how different then how much depends upon the Mother. How very Nessesary [necessary] that you Should Come together to Stir up Each others Minds By way of remembrance.

The Lord has Commanded the Assembling of ourselves to gether [together] For the partaking of Spiritual Food.

The Mind Needs as Much Nourishment and Cultivation as the Body. The Mother have Not taken that Course to obtain the Bread of Eternal Life For themselves.

I think it very nessesary we should Meet together often I Know myself and have the Testimony of others that they do more work if they attend their Meetings Instead of Toiling, Toiling From morning till Night.

When we are Filled with the spirit of God how good we feel Unless we have this spirit in our hearts we are filled with the things of the world.

I do Not speak in this way Because I think My Sister are not Faithful in this Ward But we are of the Earth Earthy we Cannot have our heart ful[l] of the spirit of the world and the spirit of God. [p. 107]

Source Note

Sugar House Ward, Sugar House Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1860–1973), vol. 2 (1868–1883), pp. 106–107, CHL (LR 8754 14); Sarah F. Wheeler, Secretary.

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2 December 1874, Sugar House Relief Society; Jacob Gibson Residence, Sugar House, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1874/12/1874-12-02