3 December 1874

Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward Relief Society; Thirteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Large meetinghouse with a group of people entering, Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward, circa 1890

Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward meetinghouse, circa 1890. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .]

Sister [Rachel R.] Grant arose and said she thought it would be desirable to have a day appointed for the Teachers to give in the donations collected as it seemed to take up so much time, and prevented the Sisters from having an opportunity of expressing their feelings The idea was suggested by Sister Snow, she thought it would tend more to the edification of the Sisters. [. . .] [p. 206] [. . .]

Sister Eliza R. Snow said she was quite edified with the report of the Teachers, she thought they were exercising themselves. Felt how much we can improve ourselves, by stepping forward and doing our duty. Referred to the improvement in Sister Grant in gaining confidence to speak, it was good to use the ability God has given us. Spoke of the absence of some from the meeting. Alluded to the Teachers sometimes meeting with insult. Such treatment Our Saviour endured but He stood firm in opposing evil, and was bold in the defense of Truth. It always annoyed her feelings, to see a Brother or a Sister welcome an Apostate, for herself she could not be purchased by one hostile to the Kingdom of God. We want that ballance of character, which Jesus Christ set us an example of.

We met many things and marks of ignorance, that ought not to manifest themselves in men, who ought to be better acquainted with their duties Spoke of the Society being subject to the Bishop. Every Officer and Teacher ought to understand their position. When a Sister steps forward and tries to annul the action of the Bishop causes them to be evil spoken of. Referred to the extravagance in burying the dead; she thought a plain coffin was just as well as expending so much means on that which is of so little importance. It did not matter so much for the Gentiles to spend their money in extravagant display for they had no Kingdom to build up. Joseph Smith put down the fashion of wearing black for the dead, but it had crept amongst us again For her part she felt to rejoice when a Saint was taken home. Felt that the Sisters present, were the noble of the Ward and being faithful, they would eventually be prepared for their reward. [. . .] [p. 207]

Source Note

Thirteenth Ward, Ensign Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1906), vol. 1 (1868–1898), pp. 206–207, CHL (LR 6133 14); Elizabeth H. Goddard, Secretary.

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3 December 1874, Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward Relief Society; Thirteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1874/12/1874-12-03