16 December 1874

Mound Fort Relief Society; Mound Fort Schoolhouse, Ogden, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister Eliza Snow then adressed the Congration [congregation] She wanted the Sisters to understand that there is Order in ever thing She said it would not be right for her to get up and speak unless she was called apon [upon]

Joseph Smith said We should have Order

The truble [trouble] seems to be to get the sister up to speak. We want to know our privliges We do not expect to become pirfect, but by being faithful in this sphere we shall be able to live so that we can enter in to another existence. We understand when we take up our being hear it is not the first of our existence We have mishions [missions] to fill hear We hear subaject [subject] to sickness and death: but God [h]as called us to a high and holy calling.

Great things a wait us.

We have got to make ourselves useful.

Woman was the cause of the fall let us lead out now and try and redeem oursalvs [ourselves] There never was a time since since I have been in the Church, and that is 40 years that we were as subject to tem[p]tation as now.

There are men going around to try and decoy our Young Sisters away from the path of virtue I hope my Sisters in this place reflect Let us ask oursalvs can we afourd [afford] as much to feed our soulds [souls] as we can our bodies

Cant we spend one day in two weeks We have so much to attend to. What are we hear [here] for did we come to Decarate the body, to build farms. [p. 33]

Was that our Mission on the earth.

Our bodies are mortal If we gain thies [these] perishable things In afue [a few] short years we will have to leave them all behind things of this world are perishable We have the true light of the Gospel. I dont know of any thing that God has contrived that is calcutated to benfiet [benefit] women as much as the Relief Societys There are Sisters in Salt Lake City that could not stand up to speak in publick when the society was first Orgnised [organized] Now thay [they] can speak as good as the Ealders. Let us come to meeting to see each other’s faces. It is like put[t]ing coals to gather to burn seperated we are nothing but if we are united to gather [together] we can do good There is so much to be done in this world.

Let us meet to gather often when we are to gather let us speak our feelings to each other God as bless [has blessed] us with speach Dont lean on your trubles. Dont think on the past or very much on the future, try and live up to your dutey as thay come a long I am proud of my Sisters. I want you to keep doing a little better all the time.

Be Determend [determined] not to do [w]rong.

Be treasuring up knowledge and when you read, read Good Books Let us live for God. I say God Bless the Sisters of Mound Fourt [Fort] Amen.

Sister Jain [Jane] S Richards said I almoust hoped that I would be able to set and listen I know we all have a dutey to perform We may feel Insuffient [insufficient] but we ought to be able to do our dutey I though[t] when I was seting [sitting] hear [here] how long will we have this pl[e]asure in seting to listing [listen] to Sister Eliza

[. . .] [p. 34]

[. . .]

Closing Prayer by Sisters Eliza Snow [. . .] [p. 35]

Source Note

Mound Fort Ward, Weber Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1874–1908), vol. 1 (1874–1884), pp. 33–35, CHL (LR 11968 14); Annie D. Taylor, Secretary.

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16 December 1874, Mound Fort Relief Society; Mound Fort Schoolhouse, Ogden, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1874/12/1874-12-16