8 January 1875

Salt Lake City Tenth Ward Young Ladies; Tenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

President Mrs. M. [Mary] J. Pierce arose and made a few introductory remarks, after which Sister E. R. Snow arose and said:—“The house of God is a house of order—by invitation from the president of the Young Ladies’ Association, I arise and speak to you my sisters, and ask God to bless you, and that I may speak so as to benefit you, I wish your faith and prayers. While looking around this Hall so beautifully decorated, I feel as though the angels of God must like to be here if the hearts of the people are fit to receive them. The Spirit of God is in our midst, and I feel as though His angels were here. I was pleased to hear that the young men in this ward have organized into a Deacon’s Quorum. Literary Associations are good in their way, but it is spiritual culture, spiritual food the young want. You are to fit and prepare yourselves to fill high positions in the Kingdom of God; does the education of the world prepare you for this? does it prepare you to associate in the holy Order of the house of God? No! It only fits you to be ornaments in Babylon. In our young ladies’ retrenchment associations, we have little girls who get up and testify that this is the kingdom of God. Does the literature of the world prompt this! No! I think not. When the young ladies’ began to organize these associations there were many elderly people so blind as to ask, ‘What is the use of the young ladies’ meeting together to speak and pray?’ I replied, ‘What is the use of any of us meeting together?’ The Lord says where there are a few gathered together in His name there will He be also, in their midst, and that to bless them. In Ogden the young gentlemen and ladies’ hold their meetings together: I like this idea; it helps them to overcome a great deal of embarrassment, and those who attend their meetings the most regularly will make the best men and women. The young ladies have made resolutions not to associate with any of the young men who drink smoke &c. The young men are also getting up resolutions. I see the result, it is to purify and exalt them and they will know better who to choose as husbands and wives. I assure you, my young sisters, this great work cannot be accomplished without women! and it is for us to be up and doing. Do not indulge in any gross langauge or manners or any vulgarity before your children; the rising generation is to bear off this kingdom, and the young men are to be pillars in the same. I am thankful that the current has turned heavenward, that they may be saviors on Mount Zion. The time is fast approaching when angels shall visit the earth, yes, the time is near and who shall be prepared? It will be these young people who are stepping forward and are willing to serve God and keep His commands. Again I say God bless you my sisters.” [p. 124]

Source Note

Tenth Ward, Park Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1870–1973), vol. 1 (1870–1883), p. 124, CHL (LR 9051 17).

See also M. H. Paul, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 3, no. 17 (1 Feb. 1875): 130–131.

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8 January 1875, Salt Lake City Tenth Ward Young Ladies; Tenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/01/1875-01-08