23 April 1875

Lehi Young Ladies; Lehi Tabernacle, Lehi, Utah Territory

[. . .] present from Salt Lake City, Miss Eliza R Snow, Mrs Mary S Snow.

[. . .]

Miss E R Snow then proposed that Mrs Rebecca [S.] Standring be Secretary, pro. tem seconded and carried.

Sister Snow then arose and said, I presume there are some here that do not understand the object of these organizations, four years ago President Brigham Young requested myself with others to organize the Young Ladies and it was his wish that his own family should be organized first. we did according to his wishes, but strange as it may appear, opposition was so great, that many fell short of carrying out its object, but those that have stood firm to their integrity, the progress they have made is astonishing, we have very small girls that step forward and read the minutes of their meetings,. with modesty and dignity. My Young sisters tis your privelage to have a knowledge of this gospel and enjoy its blessings as well as your parents, and by uniting yourselves with this society, meeting together to read pray or speak to each other you will gain wisdom and knowledge, and lay the foundation for future usefulness in the kingdom of God through the influence of his spirit which the Lord will give to all those who seek him aright. it is your duty to set an example to our young Brethren, show them that you are determined to live to the Lord and retrench from every thing unbecoming a saint or displeasing to God and his servants, seek [p. 1] to be guided by the spirit of God, improve yourselves so that you may become refined and cultivated Daughters of Zion, setting an example worthy of imitation. this is the object of these organizations. Sister Snow then addressed the Young Brethren and said it is your place to lead but in as much as you have not done so in this matter, I hope you will follow, and improve the good opportunity you now have to store your minds with useful knowledge and get a testamony of the truth of this work for yourselves, and not wait untill you are sent on missions to preach for if you do you will not only experience mortification yourselves but disappoint others while looking to you as Elders of Isreal from Zion for intelligence that you cannot impart.

[. . .] Sister Snow then spoke with great power and earnestness, blessed the young ladies and asked God to bless them and inspire them to do right, she was followed by Bishop [David] Evans who expressed his pleasure in the movement and his willingness to organize the young gentlemen similarly [. . .] [p. 2]

Source Note

Lehi Ward, Alpine Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1875–1903), vol. 1 (1875–1887), pp. 1–2, CHL (LR 4817 17); Rebecca S. Standring, Secretary pro tem.

See also Rebecca Standring, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 4, no. 1 (1 June 1875): 2–3.

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23 April 1875, Lehi Young Ladies; Lehi Tabernacle, Lehi, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/04/1875-04-23-c