19 May 1875

Farmington Relief Society; Farmington, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Prest Mrs. [Sarah I.] Holmes made a few introductory remarks Said Sister Eliza R. Snow and Sister Priscinda [Presendia L.] Kimball had met with us to day and she would like to hear them talk.

Sister Snow then addressed the meeting. Said we had met in the capacity of a Relief Society and she was surprised to hear there were sisters who belonged to the Church who did not belong to the Society. Said every virtuous woman should (belong to the Society) be a member, and not only a member but live active members, as it is too late in the day for those who profess to be Saints, to sleep.

Said President [Brigham] Young anticipated great results from the united efforts of the sisters, Joseph Smith had said these Societies were not only to help the poor, but to save souls.

Called on those who wore home made bonnets to raise their hands, (a number of hands went up) said we were far from manufacturing our own clothing as we depended on the world for nine tenths of what we wore. but if the counsel had been carried out, given years ago, we would have <been> better off to day. Spoke of making silk, Said this was a mission for the sisters, but first join the Society, and then any one could lead out in this business, Said twenty five dollars had been offered for the first yard of ribbon made here, and until we could make our own clothing, we were in bondage.

Was glad to hear the young ladies were in the artificial business, as all these things would lighten the burden of the Bishop, which it was our duty to do. Spoke of their starting a Milliner’s Shop, also one for tailoring in Salt Lake City. They did not expect to make anything, only enough for the establishment to clear itself. it was not to make money, but to get these different branches started that we might be a self sustaining people. Said we are the daughters of the most high, the noble spirits that kept our [p. 272] first estate, then it is far beneath us to pattern after the gentile world.

We can see by the signs of the times that there is no time to lose, look at the Lamanites, they may yet go ahead of us.

This should impress our minds. Urged the sisters to take some branch of business and make it a success, said this will lead to a United Order. Asked God to bless us all &c.

[. . .]

Sr. Snow spoke a few words more, was glad there was a hat establishment in this place. Wanted to say to the Mothers not to hinder their daughters by work, from attending their meetings, but have them punctual, and fill their positions in building up the Kingdom

Bishop J. [John] W. Hess felt to endorse every word that had been said [. . .] [p. 273]

Source Note

Farmington Ward, Davis Stake, Farmington Ward Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1951), vol. 1 (1868–1878), pp. 272–273, CHL (LR 2816 14).

See also Aurelia S. Rogers, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 4, no. 6 (15 Aug. 1875): 42.

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19 May 1875, Farmington Relief Society; Farmington, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/05/1875-05-19