21 June 1875

Moroni Relief Society; Moroni, Utah Territory

[. . .] on the stand President B. [Brigham] Young, Elders: George Q. Cannon, B. [Brigham] Young jun. Musser [Amos M. Musser Sr.] and several more of the Presidents company. President for all the relief societys in the Territory Elisa R. Snow, sister [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne and several more Ladys from the City. [. . .]

Sister Elisa Snow arose, and spoke to the congragasion, she wonted [wanted] the Brethrens and sistres prayers, that god would pour out his spirit on us today, she would say something about the society. Joseph Smith had say, if the sistre’s [sisters] would take the care of the poor on them, they would do a great deal, but it was not only the worldly, but the spiritual things, they ougth [ought] to care fore [for], she would say to the sistres that where [were] teachers, do they realise, what it is. I have often thougth, if I was a teacher I would talk to them like a mother, you go for to do good and be messengers of peace and comfort, how do we rayse [raise] our sons and daugthers are they prophets and prophetesses, when we send our children to sc[h]ool, it is as the gentiles does, that do not make them have the spirit of god, but we must ourselves try to teach them so that they can have it. we have been gathered out from Babylon, and have had some experiences, and our children have got to have theirs too. 5 years ago they commenced to teach the gerls [girls] and meet with much opposition, but now they gets on the best kind. none of the young Girls of the societys would marry or have any asosiation with gentiles. she wonted the young men to make up and go into like societies. Zion schoud [should] be the place to educate the children of Zion. mothers must train the children, let [p. 97] the children understand, that your religion is uppermost in your mind and be faitfull [faithful] to your dutys. she thougth the women had more freedom here than anywhere else. she spoke of home industry and of rising [raising] silk. how can we sing “Zion is free, when we go to babel for our apperel. she wanted the sistres here in Moroni to wake up if they ware [were] asleep, if we are humbl[e] and prayerfull, we can accomplis[h] a great deal.

[. . .]

President B. Young then addressed the congragation, he thougth, the sistres who had spoke, had sayd [said] about us much as nessasery on the occasion [. . .] they where come here to teach and correct the relief societies, and he wanted the sistres who had come whith him, to go from place to place to teach the sistres how to try to sustain themselves [. . .] [p. 98].

Source Note

Moroni Ward, North Sanpete Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1871–1920), vol. 2 (1872–1881), pp. 97–98, CHL (LR 5786 14).

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21 June 1875, Moroni Relief Society; Moroni, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/06/1875-06-21