29 July 1875

Three Mile Creek Relief Society; Three Mile Creek Meetinghouse, Three Mile Creek [Perry], Utah Territory

[. . .]

Miss Eliza R Snow said she was authorized by Pres Lorenzo Snow and Bishop Alva [Alvin S.] Nichols the highest authority in this County to organize a Branch of the relief society in this place instructed the sisters concerning the object of the organization said it was not merely for the relief of the poor but for the salvation of souls she said it placed the sisters in an associated capacity where they can not only look after and administer temporal aid to the poor but they can assist each other cultivating & improving each other & by uniting thier [their] influence do much in purifying refineing & elevating society by being organized so that they can work in unisen unite their feelings faith & Prayrs they can accomplish in many ways what they could not do singly she exhorted the sisters to humble themselves before the Lord & be alive to the interest of Zion &c

Sister E R Snow counselled the sis to choose for thier President one that is humble and who will seek to do the most good It was motioned seconded & unanimously carried that Mrs Jane [M.] Perry preside over the sisters in this place [. . .] [p. 3] [. . .]

Sister E R Snow then spoke to the sisters giving words of encouragement instructing them in their duties as officers & as members and exhorted them to be live saints of god diligent in their duties at home & not neglect their meetings she said that as a society they was authorized to create by vote any oficers that shall be needed from time to time such as teachers or Committe[e]s &c said they were now organized according to the pattern given by the prophet Joseph Smith in Nauvoo she remarked that President [Brigham] Young appreciated the labors of the relief Societies & expected a great deal from it had given a mis[s]ion to the sisters to step forth forth in establishing home indus[t]ries said they could do much in this line she exhorted the young sisters to be cultivate their minds & manners & prepare themselves to fill importa[nt] places and for all to be humble & prayerful and punctual to every duty and strive to excell each other in doing good

[. . .] [p. 4]

Source Note

Perry Ward, Box Elder South Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1875–1973), vol. 1 (1875–1905), pp. 3–4, CHL (LR 6854 14); Rebecca A. Thorn, Secretary.

See also Rebecca Thorn, “R. S. Report,” Woman’s Exponent 5, no. 18 (15 Feb. 1877): 141.

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29 July 1875, Three Mile Creek Relief Society; Three Mile Creek Meetinghouse, Three Mile Creek [Perry], Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/07/1875-07-29