1 August 1875

Bear River Relief Society; Bear River City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister Elisa Snow was present.

Elisa Snow arose and said it was unexpected for her to meet with the Sisters here. Said the Sisters had many duties, espesially the mothers, they should be meek and intilligent. The Teachers should not consider themselves beggars if they should go and gathers means to the society, they should have the holy spirit to enlighten their mind. Said we should be alive, and be as good as when just baptised We should come to meeting and not be tired, the Sister meeting is instetuted [instituted] of the lord. Said the evil spirits would tempt us, we should not speak bad things, for the time will come, when we shall be drawed [drawn] to and <anccount> [account] for everything. Said the Sisters should help their husbands to join the united Order. Said the lord love the dauglters [daughters] as well as the Sons, if they serve him We should be awake, arouse, for no man can save his wife unless she workt [worked] out her salvation. Said she had done what she was called on to do, she had stood for judges and the spirit of god had helpt [helped] her. Said brigham [Young] expect much of the relief society, they should sustain home manufacture and not give the gentiles our money. Said that young and old should be members of the society, we should be careful that the Indians should not go ahead of us. Prayed that we migth [might] be shining ligths [lights] in Zion, Amen. Wm. Neely [. . .] Prayed the lord to bless E. Snow in all her labors for the Kingdom of God

[. . .] [p. 80]

Source Note

Bear River City Branch, Box Elder Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1869–1973), vol. 1 (1869–1883), p. 80, CHL (LR 10822 14); Mary Hansen, Translator, and Karen Hansen, Clerk.

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1 August 1875, Bear River Relief Society; Bear River City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/08/1875-08-01