12 November 1875

Farmington Young Ladies; Farmington Meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah Territory

Single-story, stone meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah, circa 1900

Farmington meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah, circa 1900. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .]

Sr. Eliza R. Snow then said “nothing gives me such pleasure, as to see the Young step[p]ing forward, & forming characters, which will be noble and honorable in the Kingdom of God. The time has been when the parents were expected to honor the priesthood; but nothing was expected of the children as they were heirs unto the priesthood, but God has spoken to Pres. [Brigham] Young, to have the young organized that they may enlighten themselves and prepare for future usefulness, Had been delighted with the minutes and also the resolutions of the Young Ladies, as well as the Young mens asso—s [associations], could wish that the latter had dispensed with the word, Literary as we are striving for something higher than anything we can gain from literature, formally, the school education was all that was needed to fit us for prophets and prophetsesses, but that is not now sufficient, we must educate Spiritually, and it is impossible for others to do it for us we must do for ourselves. Recommended the Bible B. [Book] of Mormon, & Doctrine & Covenants for our use, that when the young men are called to preach the gospel, they may be able to give a reason for the hope there is within them, and be able to quote Scripture, compared the minds of the youth to fresh plaster, which is easily impressed, [p. 130] Exhorted the young of both sexes to be punctual in attending their meetings, the young can accomplish what neither Pres. Young nor our Bishops have been able to do, referring to round dancing particularily. The Young Ladies can do much toward improveing the young men and, vice versa, and it is to our interest to do so, as we all expect to want a companion some time the young ladies should be as polished stones, and as wise mothers in Isreal, as much depends on mothers, nothing is more essential, that the young should be educated properly advised us to seek first the Kingdom of God, felt thankful for the privilege progress of the young, and prayed for their ultimate success.

[. . .] [p. 131]

Source Note

Farmington Ward, Davis Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1873–1950), vol. 1 (1873–1883), pp. 130–131, CHL (LR 2816 17); Minerva Richards, Secretary.

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12 November 1875, Farmington Young Ladies; Farmington Meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/11/1875-11-12