25 December 1875

Marriott and Lynne Relief Societies; Marriotsville Schoolhouse, Marriotsville [Marriott-Slaterville], Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister Eliza R. Snow, Said there is a good spirit here to-day, a spirit that I love and admire. I feel honored by the presence of so many of our Brethren to-day, The Sisters have just as much to do as the Brethren in building up Zion, according to their strength and ability. We are bought with a price, with the Blood of Jesus we Sisters are at the Head of all womankind, and all our aims ought to be as much higher than the women of the world, as the heavens are above the earth. We must be up and doing for the Lord, and not be unprofitable servants, but keep our covenants made with the Lord. My ambition is to see the kingdom of God established so that we shall be prepared for the fall of Babylon, so that we may not fall with it. There is not as much Home made clothing, made in Zion, at the present time in proportion, as there was twenty (20) years ago. There is not wool enough raised in the Territory, and we are slaves to Babylon, but let us take hold, and try and live up to our songs, and then we can sing Zion is free. Now we are called upon to lay up grain, the Lord has commanded the Sisters to store up grain, and I expect it will not be long before it will be needed, for according to the word of the Lord, there is to be a famine and pestilence in this nation, and we must be prepared for it. Sisters take care of your children and do not leave them exposed to danger, but attend meetings if possible and bring your children with you, and you will be more prepared to take care of your families. [p. 80]

Be kind to your children, teach them to be honest and truthfull and to love order, and make home a heaven. If the young ladies are united, they can do a great work, they can reform the young men in their neighborhoods, if they are united in their efforts. I hope the Sisters in this place will be united and take hold of all the Home Industries, and make something for your Store in Salt Lake City. When you come to the City, step in and see what we have to sell, we want a quantity of mittens knitted up. I spend all my time there when I am at home, without money and without price.

[. . .] Sister E. R. Snow said let the sisters take hold unitedly of home Industries and that will lead to the united order, and when we become one the Saviour will come. The spirit of the Lord was so manifested in the Temple in Kirtland that the Saviour and holy angels appeared there, and what may we expect when the Temples in Zion are dedicated to the Most High God. I am pleased to see so many of the young ladies meeting together, and I hope they will cultivate their spiritual faculties, to make them ornaments in Zion. [p. 81] I see that you have done considerable good in this District which you could not do only in an organised capacity, you have a wise woman at your head to council you, and I hope the parents in this place will encourage the meetings of their children, to cultivate their spiritual faculties, and make them saints. We think it a little thing to hear a little child bear their testimony and say a few words, it is the beginning of a great work. to be done, and by the time they are twelve years old they will be mighty men & women. The sphere of woman is enlarging every day. There is one daughter of President [Brigham] Young’s. the first time she got up to speak, all she could say was, I can not say anything but, I was glad to see the effort, now she can speak so as to edify an Elder in Israel. Those young sisters who are prepared, will be called upon to officiate in Holy places. The sanctuaries of the Most High God, and may the Lord help us to do his will and act well our part is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen

[. . .] [p. 82]

Source Note

Marriott Ward, Farr West Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1869–1973), vol. 2 (1874–1886), pp. 80–82, CHL (LR 5304 14).

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25 December 1875, Marriott and Lynne Relief Societies; Marriotsville Schoolhouse, Marriotsville [Marriott-Slaterville], Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/12/1875-12-25