17 May 1876

Kaysville Relief Society; Kaysville, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister Eliza R. Snow being present arose and Said—

This <These> Relief Societies were organized in this Church by the Revelations of God given to Joseph Smith. Do we realize that they are from God and that it is to prepare us to be saviors upon Mount Zion? If the Sisters realized the responsibility of this great calling, there would not be a Sister in Zion, but what would come forward and help to roll on this work. There is no such thing in the Kingdom of God as seperate interests. We are all interested in the same work. They that labor for the Kingdom of God will have their reward, but how often we forget this. The object of this organization is to look after the [p. 98] Poor. and not only that, but it is for our own interests. In order for us to accomplish the great work that is necessary for us to accomplish, we must be one in Spirit We should try to excel each other in doing good

We sometimes feel that we have been injured by some one. Shall we turn round and do rong also? No, if any one injures you they have the worst of it. If we would get our hearts and feelings lifted up to God & full of the interests of Zion there would not <be> so many little troubles come upon us. We did not come here for the riches of the Earth, we came for something higher. Each on[e] of us came here to fill a mission & to Cooperate with the Priesthood of God.

Who is it that forms the minds of these great men? it is the Mothers. If the future mothers are noble women of God, we may look for a high & noble race of men. Then let your daughters get instruction. Make it know[n] unto them that they have a great mission to perform.

Girls be punctual in attending your meetings, if the time for your meetings to commence is two oclock don’t let it be two before you commence to get ready to go. Punctuality is the key to confidence

I wish every Society would take an interest in the raising of Sick [silk] it would be much more honorable for a woman to try to gain something to help her and to supply her necessities than for her to depend entirely upon the labors of her Husband for support

I would like to see our young girls grow up with strong bodies. and above all other things to be pure, that they may be able to be councillors of noble men of God. the girls have a great influence over the young men, and if [p. 99] they will resolve not to associate with men who use profane language they will find that it will have a good influence

I think we all can keep improving a little each day. we are not working for the praise of the world, but to get back to the presence of our heavenly Father

Sister Rachel Grant bore testimony to the truth of the remarks of Sister Snow. [. . .]

Sister [Mary Ann] Hyde said she had been highly edified with the remarks of Sisters, Snow and Grant and hoped they would come and visit this society often She felt that it was our duty to pay their travelling expences and Said if there were any present that felt like giving something she would be pleased to have them do so.

[. . .] [p. 100]

Source Note

Kaysville Ward, Davis Stake, Relief Society Record Book (1868–1878), pp. 98–100, CHL (LR 4531 24); Helen Hyde, Secretary.

See also Helen Hyde and Mary A. Layton, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 5, no. 6 (15 Aug. 1876): 42.

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17 May 1876, Kaysville Relief Society; Kaysville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1876/05/1876-05-17