26 September 1876

Salt Lake City Nineteenth Ward Relief Society; Nineteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .] By invitation were present Bishop A. [Alonzo] H. Raleigh, Counsellor Wm. Asper, Mrs E. R. Snow, Mrs M. I. [Mary Isabella] Horne Mrs Zina D. Young, Mrs B— [Bathsheba W.] Smith and several other guests from different Wards. [. . .] [p. 50] [. . .]

Mrs E. R. Snow said, I acknowledge that in & of myself I am not able to edify if you are saints of God, if you were women of the world I might out of the natural storehouse of my mind therefore I want you to raise your hearts to God that I may be dictated by his Holy Spirit in what I may say. The sphere of women is continually enlarging, <and> to keep pace with the brethren, we must step forth & accept the increased duties that devolve upon us. These organizations have been formed that we might partake of the bread of life. You know it was said of the disciples that they met often and spoke <often> one to another, & Jesus said “they shall be mine when I come to make up my jewels.” Why should mothers speak of there [their] trials, when we are filled with the Spir[i]t of the Lord there is no trial command mandment [commandment] too hard for us, to bear and if we would live above these things we would not feel these trials too hard to bear. If we do not have trials how are we to be fitted for the Kingdom of God. Trials give us self control. It is to help us perfect ourselves that God gave us these organizations of Relief & Retrenchment associations. We cannot be made perfect all at once. The great battle of life is to govern ourselves but we must not be discouraged if we do not do it all at once, we must remember that we have millions of years to do it in. Pres. [Brigham] Young has called upon the Relief Societies to open a store. Shall we flinch. We have efficient Secretaries but where are our bookkeepers. I ask God my Sisters to give you his holy Speirit that where ever you are this influence may be felt.

[. . .] [p. 51] [. . .]

Pres. A. A.[Ann Agatha] Pratt then arose and thanked those who had spoken for the good instruction that they had given us & was sorry the time was so far spent that we could not hear from all the visitors present, and invited all present to stay and partake of refreshments that had been prepared by the members of the Society. [. . .]

After meeting the visitors and most of the sisters present gathered around the tables spread with the bounties of the earth, and all seemed to enjoy themselves on the occasion. The only drawback was that all of the ward did not know of the picnic in time to participate.

[. . .] [p. 52]

Source Note

Nineteenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1971), vol. 3 (1875–1897), pp. 50–52, CHL (LR 6092 14); Ann E. Neal, Secretary.

See also Ann Agatha Pratt and Ann E. Neal, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 5, no. 13 (1 Dec. 1876): 98; and “An Obscene Bishop,” The Salt Lake Daily Tribune 11, no. 148 (7 Oct. 1876): [1].

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26 September 1876, Salt Lake City Nineteenth Ward Relief Society; Nineteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1876/09/1876-09-26