2 November 1876

Farmington Church Meeting; Farmington Meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah Territory

Single-story, stone meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah, circa 1900

Farmington meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah, circa 1900. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

Sisters Eliza R. Snow & Zina D. [H.] Young being presant from Salt Lake City [. . .]

Sister E. R. Snow expressed Herself very much Edified with the minutes resolutions & reports, said the youn[g] ladies of Farmington are (could not express Her thankfulness) qualifying themselves to become the most refined, enlightened & cultivated young men & women, upon the earth. they are the ones who are to Bear off this Kingdom. exhorted them not to trifle with any thing as Sacred as these associations are, but to be earnest humble & prayerful, & always be punctual to the meetings. Spoke of this day & the time when She was young when She felt as though She would go to the end of the earth to See a prophet & how She longed to live in the day when Jesus Christ died. has never doubted Mormonism but admitted that She had not lived as devoted to this cause as She might have done, yet She felt tried to do her duty, feeling that She & all that She had belonged to God, & this Kingdom & today has no other interest but in the Kingdom. [p. 200]

Was pleased that the Young Ladies had added to their resolutions that they would “dress plainly” & sustain “home industry” as far as possible the Sisters have been exorted to see that wheat be preserved against famine but we need the help of God & we must put our trust in Him. Pres [Brigham] Young has also requested the Sisters to establish a Store, of home manufacture for the ladies. it has been done & it belongs to all of us, & nothing is put into the Store that is not made in Utah, & those who work in the Store are required to board them selves & work for nothing” making their capital as it goes along, by selling on commicions commissions & there is no fear that it will not prosper, if we keep humble & prayerful, & it will have a tendancy to keep out <a spirit of> greed, She also spoke of the building of temples & of the importance of our filling every mission required of us, & all can be don[e] without stepping frome our sphere. Blessed the young of this place & asked God also to bless us.

[. . .] [p. 201] [. . .] [p. 202]

[. . .]

Sister Snow

expressed a desire to hear from some of the others members.

accordingly Hector Haight, Jun. Franklin Miller, & Phebe Piert [Phoebe R. Peart], arose & expressed themselves edified with the remarks.

endorsed the same & felt that it is just what is needed to qualify us for future usefulness.

[. . .] [p. 203]

Source Note

Farmington Ward, Davis Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1873–1950), vol. 1 (1873–1883), pp. 200–203, CHL (LR 2816 17); Minerva E. Richards, Secretary and Eugenia E. Leonard, Recorder.

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2 November 1876, Farmington Church Meeting; Farmington Meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1876/11/1876-11-02