15 November 1876

Centerville Relief Society; Centerville Relief Society Hall, Centerville, Utah Territory

met according to apointment Present E R Snow Sister [Zina D.] Young & Bishop [William R.] <Smith> [. . .] E R Snow said I hope we are all of the same spirit we should be & should be united we had much to do & be united we had much to do besides the common duties of life. God. expects more of us in Babelon we worked for ourselves here we have a more noble work to perform One that calls for all the energes [energies] of our souls. the sister that can do nothing but work for herself might as well be in the wourld the kingdom of God needs the help of women & if all would inheret eternal life all must work the sisters had been called upon to lay up wheat against a time of scarstety [scarcity] & it is nesseary [necessary] we do so else we should not have such a call. we must lay aside our vanity & folly we have been loseing time & now must work with dillijence the Lord expects a great deal of his daughters as well as his sons we have been to indolent & indifferent in regard to our spiritual need we should have food for the spirit as well as the body. we have got to become selfsustaining & the future wellfare of Zoin [Zion] Depends upon our own manufacture. in speaking of Selfishness said we should know no interest but in the kingdom of God we should have charity for each other & over look eachothers weaknessess [p. 63] we are not alike in Dispotions [dispositions] eny [any] more than our faces are alike

[. . .] Bishop W. R. Smith express his pleasure & interest he felt in listening to the instructions given was glad to see correct principles being taught by the sisters & would be glad to see the same spirit manifested by all he would be proud to wear a hat or eny other garment made by the society we should sustain ourselves by Patronizeing home manufacturing it looks [p. 64] foolish to see people foling [following] after the fasions of Babylon & disfigering [disfiguring] there selves. assuming an unatural fait[h] in malking [making] such things add nothing to one beauty and showes weakness of mind [. . .] [p. 65]

Source Note

Centerville Ward, South Davis Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1873–1889), vol. 2 (1873–1889), pp. 63–65, CHL (LR 1532 14).

See also Margaret Randall, Rebecca A. Porter, and Emeline Smith, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 5, no. 13 (1 Dec. 1876): 98.

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15 November 1876, Centerville Relief Society; Centerville Relief Society Hall, Centerville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1876/11/1876-11-15