17 November 1876

Grain Committee; Social Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Miss E. R. Snow said: It is a very important occasion that has called us together, probably such as never occurred on the earth before. The Lord, through his prophet [Brigham Young], has called on the mothers in Israel to prepare for a famine, which makes the subject we are called on to discuss a grave one. We are well assured that the time is fast approaching when the Lord will pour out His indignation on this country, and although we should escape, we will feel the effects of it in a National capacity. Our hearts must be hard indeed, if we will not feel for those who may come to us for help. The Lord showed his servant Joseph [Smith] that such things would come, and it was of such a nature, and so distressing and revolting to humanity to witness, that he asked the Lord to close it up. We can see, from what has passed, that the predictions of the Servant of God, have been fulfilled to the letter. He has now called on the women of Zion to purchase and take care of wheat, and I hope we may act with wisdom, that the blessing of God may rest upon our labors. We want to decide how to procure the grain and take care of it; and whether we will act in Wards or in a general capacity; we have been told that there is room in the Tithing Office to store it. But perhaps some of the Wards have a good place for storing; if so, and they prefer it, they can do so.

[. . .]

Miss E. R. Snow said: What I have to give, I intend putting it with the bulk. I know no separate interest. I hope energetic sisters will be appointed to attend to it; one or two in each ward say, or a committee be formed, as may seem necessary.

[. . .] [p. 99]

Source Note

General Meeting of Central and Ward Committees, On the Grain Movement,” Woman’s Exponent 5, no. 13 (1 Dec. 1876): 99.

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17 November 1876, Grain Committee; Social Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1876/11/1876-11-17