13 September 1877

Grantsville Relief Society; Grantsville Meetinghouse, Grantsville, Utah Territory

Single-story, white adobe building

Grantsville school and meetinghouse, Grantsville, Utah Territory. Photograph by Korral Broschinsky. (Courtesy Utah Division of State History.)

[. . .]

Sister Snow addressed the meeting said it did her good to behold the Faces of my sisters in the Gospel wanted to reach there [their] hearts if God would <give> her words to do so.

She desired to speek good to the sisters if prompted by the Spirit of God But not like the Women of the world it is good to meet togather [together] for mutual instruction and education if humble in our hearts and faithfull, we should recieve greater blessings than we have ever recieved. this Society had not been got up by Women, but was revealed to Joseph Smith by God, and was a part of the Preasthood [Priesthood] of his Church, and reaches every Sister in Zion that is a Latter Day Saint. the Prophet Joseph was often present at their meetings then every Sister was not admitted but now it was different, many think it is mearly to look after the poor, but it was for the mutual benifit of all its members to perfect them untill they come to perfect Womanhood, and assist the Brethren to build up the Kingdom. it has been said that Men can save their Wives but it is not so each one must work out their own salvtion [salvation]. we cannot pray some into Heaven. she wished the Sisters not to have mearly names in the Society but to be workers. these dutys devolve on all, the Society knows ne[i]ther great or small. [n.p.]

If we unite our energies we can accomplish all we are sent hear [here] to do. Constant babour [labor] strengthens us and enables us to accomplish far more then we think we can. Remember we are inlisted for all day there is no time to rest

If we lack strength draw near to our Father the fountain of strength he will enable us to go on fullfilling our Missions and we shall be astonished how they have been brought about things not within reach apparently, become easy go to work call on the Lord we need stir[r]ing up come to gather often speeking often one to the other stiring up our minds to rememberance Many Sisters have so much to do at home that they think they cannot attend the meetings they are so weary tired and worn nothing to cheer them on the path of duty. If they will attend the meetings they will be refreshed strengthened and helped on in there labours let them come prayerfully and some Blessing will be there for them the comforter will shew them things to come refreshing them as with new wine

We are going to reign Queens if we do our part well first we must not yeald [yield] to discouragement disrobe our selves of self righteousness nor brood over the wrongs that others commit the wrong doer is the one to be pittid [pitied]

We want the assistance of eachother bare [bear] Testamony cultivate a quiet spirit God had endowed us with Speach to bless each other and praise him

let us awake nor forget what we came here for President [Brigham] Young greatly honoured us in calling us on missions to store Wheat raise Silk and encourage home indistries by our own labour and example [n.p.]

lay up Wheat for the famine will come it is befour [before] us not behind us as sure as God lives the famine will come. store up the grain no matter where it is laid up keep it safely it belongs to the Lord to preserve famishing life

We are called on to be a pattern to the world in all things not to take pattern by them

I congratulate you on your Co.op. Store fill it with your own ingenuity branch out in every industry go to with all your might ackno[w]ledging the hand of God in all things many ask why are tried in so many ways because we have to be purefied so we may dwell with the Holy ones Sisters let[’]s be faithfull so we may hear the glad sound of well done good and faithfull Servent enter thou into the Joy of your Lord God bless you Amen

[. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Grantsville Ward, Tooele Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1869–1915), vol. 1 (1869–1880), n.p., CHL (LR 3407 14); M. A. House, Secretary.

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13 September 1877, Grantsville Relief Society; Grantsville Meetinghouse, Grantsville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1877/09/1877-09-13