6 November 1877

Brigham City Relief Society; Brigham City, Utah Territory

[. . .] Sister Neely [Helen C. Neeley].

Said she had rather listen to Sister E. R. Snow than speak, but still realized it was a priviledge to bare our testimony.

Sister E. R. Snow.

Said the remarks we have heard my sisters, have been spoken in truth and have been edifying I am always happy to meet with my sisters, when I say sisters I mean thoes [those] who are alive to their duties as I understand you the B. C. R. S. [Brigham City Relief Society] are actively alive to their duties, your works [p. 87] show it, your name is widely known in building up the kingdom. You will build a future for your children by sustaining the United Order. Womans influence is great in society or comunity when our intrest is united saten [Satan] whould scarcely have any power, the latter-day saints whould be the power on earth. since I have been here I have compared this city with Salt Lake City, Br. [Lorenzo Snow told me this morning how many different depts. you have in the co.-op, you have no saloons like there is in S. L. C. [Salt Lake City] Sometimes I wonder if my sisters in Brigham City realize that their place is better than any other. no doubt you have little inconvenients some times, but be careful you dont murmur against the authorities saten is ambitious to throw in misstrust humble yourselves before the Lord what if you have little obsticles to contend with, you are on the road to honor. you have got a good platform layed [laid] but each individule have great responsibilities. What could we do without these organizations the order of God; what should we do in S. L. C. without our meetings only a small po[r]tion attend meeting but they are alive to their duties and accomplish much while the masses are asleep. Now sisters you are the people of B. C. You are set as a light upon the hill. dont do any thing to weaken this light, how much a wife can do to influence her husband. I have to watch myself be very humble that I may be able to live my religion, the powers of darkness are so ambitious to put feelings of mistrust, envry envy, and fault finding into our hearts but the feelings of God are love; charity, longsuffering patience, and forbearance when we have thoes feelings, we are not jealous nor grasping after the things of the world, but each others wellfare is as dear to us as our own. Jesus said unless ye are one ye are not mine, I try myself every day to live that way. I want to see Zion prosper. I want to promote home industry that we may have plenty for ourselves and children, when we stop importing; it does not matter to me whether I have all the comforts around me that others have, but it matters with me that I do my duty, I am proud of my sisters in B. C. but we need sturring up, that we may overcome; we see the de[s]troyer over the world, many are starving we must be prepared for the time to come we have been doeing [doing] some toward storing up grain in S. L. C. but next year we expect to store it up by the thousands. It is a great thing to be a saint and a fearful thing not to be, angels are here in our meetings although we do [p. 88] not see them. how sweet it is, how elevating, how purefin purifying to converse with our heavenly father if we prepare ourselves, the time will come when we will set with him, like Abraham of old, when we can stand in his presence. In Kirtland when the Prophet Joseph [Smith] and Oliver Cowdery were praying in the Temple, a noise was heard and the Lord came to them he stood on a pillow of gold, when he dissepeared, Elija [Elijah] the Prop. of old came and delivered the Keyes of turning the hearts of children to their fathers, and fathers to their children, when he disepeared, Moses came, and delivered the Keyes of the gathering, we have gathered to establish this work we need not be afraid to work for the Lord he will pay us. Sometimes I think we can do more than the brotheren; we are living for eturnity I dont want all my pay here. How sweet to serve God and how we gather strength by being prayerful.

Mother [Sarah?] Davis,

Did not expect to meet Sister E. R. Snow today felt thankful she was ordered to be present [. . .] [p. 89]

Source Note

Box Elder Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1857–1944), vol. 3 (1875–1884), pp. 87–89, CHL (LR 933 14); Phebe A. Snow, Secretary.

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6 November 1877, Brigham City Relief Society; Brigham City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1877/11/1877-11-06