13 February 1878

Salt Lake City Eighth Ward Relief Society; Eighth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

White, single-story chapel

Salt Lake City Eighth Ward meetinghouse, circa 1915. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .] Sister Snow felt to apologize for being late. as her motto is Punctuality felt well when the Spirit of God was in a meeting. She did not feel bad or diffident when there was Brethren present for if she said any thing wrong they could correct her and set her right and show her the errors. Said there was a great deal said about temples and gathering the Saints; but if we do not do something to sustain ourselves, that we may obtain the necessaries of life what good will our Temples do we will not feel well in our work for we are Slaves to babylon. And if we do not begin with a will to sustain ourselves, we will not be prepared when the day comes when we are cut off from her. Said we should plant Mulbery trees that silk could be made here and we could clothe ourselves in silk cheaper than Cotton or Wool. That we Covanented to cling to the arm of God in the waters of Baptism; we should study and learn our relationship to God, when we can feel that we are his Sons & Daughters we will be blessed to attend Meetings as they got a better Spirit and their work will seem lighter and there will be a happy influance in the family. that we need Spiritual food, as well as temporal, that some think they cannot spare time to attend Meeting but her experiance is that they can accomplish [p. 104] more than those who stop at home as their spirits are lighter & every things seems brighter and better. Relief Societies were Organized to take the Burden off the Bishops. And those duties devolving upon us should be preformed through the Spirit of God. That we are responsible for the things plased [placed] in our hands that it is necessary that we should study the wants of the poor. That there is some that apply when they are not needy & some do not apply when they are real[l]y destitute; to look after such & assist them we have the promise of becoming joint Heirs with Jesus Christ should not we strive to do his will. we must not think we are doing too much, and that we cannot do any more God will give us strength to do all we are called upon to do. God bless you Sisters and be faithful.

[. . .]

[. . .] Sister Snow explained why the Womans store was transferred into Br. Culbers hands. [. . .] [p. 105]

Source Note

Eighth Ward, Liberty Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1867–1969), vol. 2 (1874–1882), pp. 104–105, CHL (LR 2525 14); Esther Fletcher, Secretary.

See also Esther Fletcher and S. A. Hawkins, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 6, no. 20 (15 Mar. 1878): 159.

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13 February 1878, Salt Lake City Eighth Ward Relief Society; Eighth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/02/1878-02-13