28 February 1878

Weber Stake Relief Society; Ogden, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Several brethren wer present also Sister E. R. Snow and E. [Emmeline] B. Wells from Salt Lake City. [. . .] [p. 18] [. . .] [p. 19] [. . .]

Sister E. R. Snow I have been delighted with what has been said. I hope Sisters we will arouse ourselves and be worthy of the praise we have received. I have been proud of my sisters. I know we need to renew our energies here now is the time to prepare for what is before us I cannot see any thing that will benefit Zion more than carry out the principle of unity, unless we become one in Temporal as well as Spiritual affairs Temples will be of no use. Now to reallise that one in Authority Brother [David H.] Peery steps forward and offers you his assistance and means. I should like a Methodist in enthusiam It makes me feel so enthusiastic. The interest of the Sisters is the interest of the brothers. in Zion there is only one interest, this interest should engage every thought and hand.— Pres Peery said Pres [Brigham] Young chose him I beg leave to differ Pres Young said every time when he thought who should be President Brother would come first in his mind

The Lord chose him, now he steps forward and offers to help the sisters. Now I hope every sister will step forward and be united. Something has been said about the sons of stranger being water bearers, now if you can unite and combine Babylonish goods and help home manufacture it is all right. I[n] the City the Sisters were called upon to start home manufacture we did, and without a cent of capital we accomplished it and it is in good running order. I feel to congratulate my sisters. I hope we will all remember we are called [p. 20] to be Saints, and look for the interest of Zion I do not look for myself, my interest is for Zion just as far as I am capable of accomplishing it, what I want means for is to help in furthering the good of Zion.

The Legislature has appropriated means for purchasing Silk Machinery. Brother [Nathan?] Davis is in the East purchasing machinery for the Factory now building in Brigham City and it is thought best for him to purch[as]e it and have it placed there. Hope the Sisters will all take an interest in the Silk business We want a million of trees set out I do hope all the Silk <Sisters> will take an interest if they dont set out trees themselves Do as Solomon did to build the the Temple he did not Lay one stone but used his wisdom.

I feel we should be up and doing, it has been ascertained that we can clothe ourselves cheaper in silk than in Cotton. I have brought with me pamphlets of instruction I have been instructing Sisters of the Relief Society to decide what branch of business they can carry on. by this thing we can make a success. With regard to silk it is of vast importance to provide work for the rising generation When they come from the Nations of the earth and are placed here they can have work, you may feel you cant do much

By being united you can do much. I hope no jealousy or any strife will get in amongst you to draw you apart, by being united you will be a great blessing President Peery will feel it, there is a great happiness in doing good. God bless you and help you in this great interest of Zion may you be an example for all and Stimulate others to bring about great good for the interest of Zion.

[. . .] [p. 21]

[. . .] [pp. 22–23] [. . .]

Sister J. [Jane] S. Richards Meeting has been held to a great length there are many I would like to hear from also more from Sister Snow [. . .] I expected a woman here to-day that will take the store but circumstances prevented may be here next thursday.

Sister H. [Harriet] C. Brown my mind is that Sister Richards select some one This Lady is well known by Sisters Snow & Young. [. . .]

Sister E. R. Snow with regard to the young Sister spoken of I am not personally acquainted [p. 24] with her work, but one that worked with her. She is energetic and a Staunch Latter Day Saint has integrity I expected her to come up to-day She is a good girl.

Ogden Relief Society I have more confidence in than any other You have made a success I dont see how the word failure can apply to the Societie.

[. . .] [p. 25]

Source Note

Weber Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1867–1968), vol. 7 (1878), pp. 18–25, CHL (LR 9970 14).

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28 February 1878, Weber Stake Relief Society; Ogden, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/02/1878-02-28