7 May 1878

Samaria Young Ladies; Samaria, Idaho Territory

[. . .] Mary D Price said [. . .] that we should be very thankful for sister Snow and sister [Elizabeth A.] Davis visit us and if we would give heed and keep in memory the good council that we received it would be a great benefit to us in years to come [. . .] [p. 27] [. . .] sister E R Snow said that she never felt better then when she could meet with the sisters she exhorted the young sisters to be up and doing and if they trusted to their heavenly [Father] and prayed for his holy spirit to guide them at all times they would become wise and good women and told the young sisters <not> to keep any hard feeling in their hearts one towards another and counciled the young sisters to be obedient to their parents so that their days may be long on the earth and told them never to shirk any duty that would be placed upon them and counciled the the young to be prayerful said that the youngest of them was not to[o] small to have the spirit of God burning in their bosom and if they did not they should pray to their heavenly father for his holy spirit to guide them so that may grow up to be good and useful women in the kingdom of God and told us to read good books such as the Bible book of Mormon and docter [Doctrine] and covenants she also gave some very interesting re<marks> concerning punctuality if there where [were] but one or two at the time appointed to commence our meeting Sister Elizabeth Davis [. . .] said if the young sisters would listen and obey the council of sister snow that they would be a great benifit to us and stated that we were not sure of a day or hour that we could call our own we had better prepare ourselves for coming events Sister Snow said that they were about to organise a Relief Society of this stake [. . .] [p. 28]

Source Note

Samaria Ward, Malad Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1875–1973), vol. 1 (1875–1889), pp. 27–28, CHL (LR 7849 17).

See also Elizabeth Davis, “The Sisters’ Visit North,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 1 (1 June 1878): 3.

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7 May 1878, Samaria Young Ladies; Samaria, Idaho Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/05/1878-05-07-a