12 May 1878

Hyde Park Relief Society; Hyde Park, Utah Territory

A meeting called on account of a visit from Sisters E R Snow and E. [Elizabeth A.] Davis. [. . .] Pres. thanked the sisters and gave the meeting into their hands. Sister Snow said we were one if we were true latter-day saints. desired the prayers of the saints, true saints were not satisfied but by the Spirit of God. In this church there was but one interest, that she had the same int[e]rest for this ward that she had for the ward overwhich she presided: the time was when it was preposterous for a woman to talk when brethren were present, that we were learning our true positions, that in Eden the same law was given to man and woman but through transgression men rule. would women ever be from under the curse?1 Not out side of this church. We have [p. 64] much to live for, for if worthy we were joint heirs with Jesus; That we stand at the head of woman kind. Joseph [Smith] said in the eternal worlds we had our choice to attain to the reward of the faithful, that we were the truly noble, that we should give cast to the gentile world and not pattern after it, we could not do so in ignorance that we must cultivate our selves, we have germs implanted within us that we could aspire to be Gods and Godesses. We should converse on subjects pretaining to every day life but by way of encouragement we could speak of the glorious future of the faithful. We have no interest but the Kingdom of God, when Zion prospers we prosper; should live above the trials of life, should forget ourselves in the great mission we had to perform, we should not complain of our many aches and pains, but should not judge harshly, brethren talk of great <matters> we have to deal with small matters but underlying great ones. Joseph said Sisters were more capable to administer to the sick2 that there was a sympathy that was not right not to pity each other in our trials but encourage to over come, to bear with others faults, that wrong would not right wrong. all the sisters should belong to the Releif Societies and be live members. God has organized these societies that women might help the priesthood: unless we meet as appointed by God our spirits would lack spiritual food that we should be fellow workers, be charitable with each other. nothing produces true happiness but the Spirit of God. Women give character to society: mothers should be real saints; spoke of mothers great influence we are not working for to day only, the Lord wanted a generation of saviors. Showed to the young sisters the necessity of preparing them selves for their high calling; and the young men to not defile their tabernacles by the use of tobacco or liquor and never profane the name of the Deity, but to aim high. they could not put their aim so high but what they could attain to it if they lived up to the privileges of the gosple. The Lord could not [p. 65] save the human family with out celestial marriage this life is nothing to the eternities to come. [. . .] Bishops [Robert] Daines and Roskelly [Samuel Roskelley] were thankful, thought if the instructions given were carried out they would prove a great blessing, the good counsel given by good men and women should be land marks unto us, prayed God to bless us with retentive memories. [. . .] [p. 66]

Source Note

Hyde Park Ward, Cache North Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 1 (1868–1883), pp. 64–66, CHL (LR 3991 14).

See also Mary L. Woolf and Mary E. Griffith, “Correspondence,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 2 (15 June 1878): 15; and Elizabeth Davis, “The Sisters’ Visit North,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 1 (1 June 1878): 3.

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12 May 1878, Hyde Park Relief Society; Hyde Park, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/05/1878-05-12-b


  1. [1]For more information, see “Historical Context.”

  2. [2]For more information, see “Historical Context.”