15 May 1878

Huntsville Relief Society; Huntsville, Utah Territory

[. . .] Sis Eliza R Snow arose & said by the help of the Lord she would try to speak to the sisters said A real Saint would not be edified with out the [p. 134] spirit of the Lord said the people of the world are far different from us they never have one interest & the men another[.] with us it is different there is but one—interest when we enter the waters of baptisam we give ourselves to god & he requires all our time said when the church was fully organized upon the earth the women were organized in A Socitey this was to fit them for help mates to man said A saint of God should never be cast down or low spirited the Spirit of God produces joy & peace & we should impart our good feelings to those who are downcast said unless we are faithful we will feel backward in meeting the record that is kept in heaven we all have to meet every act of our lives said they that love the lord meet often together said every girl should be taught to cook & keep house & the children should be taught honosity [honesty] & integrity said the mothers formed the characters of their children & the character of the nation then how humble & careful they should be said that god had instituted these meetings for the feeding of our spirits & the sisters who attend their meeting feel better than those who do not spoke on the subject of raising grain & mulberry trees said she desired to wake the sisters up for they had no time to loose [lose] counselled the Young sister to commenced reading good books & report to the Secretary each meeting how much they had read said she hoped by humility & faithfulness to be saved in the Kingdom of God. [. . .] Sis [Elizabeth A.] Davis arose and said she felt proud to meet with the saints said the Saints held the highest position on the earth said we should strive to pay attention to every call exhorted the young sisters to inform their mind reading good books & always be trying to do their duty Sis E R Snow arose & said their is A great many important subjects but the training of the young is the greatest if possible said [p. 135] in the times past the children had been neglected nothing was done for their spiritual education & they had drank into the spirit of the world but after A while had provided A remedy by A revelation through President [Brigham] Young to organize the young ladies spoke of the first meeting & the amount of opposition they had to contend with now the young ladies could arise & testify

minds were full of truth & deep thought said the key to success was never to shun & duty however small or large for us to perform it & the Lord will help us spoke on the subject of Plural marriage said the men were tried as well as the women said she knew it was of god said those who went into it with A pure motive would be greatly blessed spoke of Joseph Smith feeling when fir[s]t commanded to enter into it counselled the sisters to mannefacture their own clothing & Hats. [. . .] Sis [Jane S.] Richards made A few remarks Spoke of Sis Snow useful life & the many things she had taught us [. . .] [p. 136]

Source Note

Huntsville Ward, Ogden Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1867–1973), vol. 1 (1867–1892), pp. 134–136, CHL (LR 3975 14).

See also Elizabeth Davis, “The Sisters’ Visit North,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 1 (1 June 1878): 3.

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15 May 1878, Huntsville Relief Society; Huntsville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/05/1878-05-15