17 June 1878

American Fork Relief Society; American Fork, Utah Territory

[. . .] Present Sisters E Snow. Zina D Young. [. . .]

Sister E. R. Snow

Stated it gave her pleasure to meet the Saints of this Society, and was glad to see brethren present, as it was both cheering and proper to strengthen the Sisters in their callings, there were many interests in the world, divided interests, but with the true L. D. S. there was only one, and that was Salvation.—We have covenanted to work all day; Our time, talents, energy, and affections were given or should be given to the work of God, and the Sisters had as much to do in this work, as the brethren.

As a people we had slept. We Should be of one purpose. but we have forgotten our Covenance. Strayed after the things of this world.—lost the comforter, and forgotten our high callings.

The time is short, and the work rolling. Pres [Brigham] Young had said, “That God would call out of this people a people that would abide his word.” do his will, and keep his commandments.” will we be of the number?

Speaker desired that all should Cherish the Holy Spirit in our bosoms, holding constant communion with God, and his chosen people. Have we chosen the, “Pearl of Great price” and nurtured it? Or, like Peter, gone a fishing? Shall we be satisfied without a fullness of the blessings, awaking to find [p. 281] that we Shall fall short of relizing those great promises? It is our duty to look after the little things of like [life?], as these form the great things. “The little Foxes spoil the Vines.” Woman’s sphere is to Elevate, Moralize, and Spiritualize Society

The Character of the child is formed by the Mother. What kind of women should we be? Elevated in sentiment; noble in action; Alive to the interest of our work, working for the peace, Comfort, and morals of Society. Many thought womans sphere was narrowed to home duties, but the speaker felt that she could not fill her duty by remaining continually at home. the Spirit needed food as well as the physical nature: the Relief Society was the Organization to dissimenat [disseminate] that Spiritual food, and every waman [woman], who was a true L. D. Saint should be an active Member of this Organization. Quoted from the Prophet Joseph [Smith],—“The Society labors” Was not confined to releiving the distresses of the poor, but to save Souls.” The Women who attended meetings were those who worked with a will, and spirit, and accomplished as much at home as those who remained at home constantly. The one brought love—Joy—gentleness long suffering, and Kindness to bear upon all her duties, and was cheerful in the discharge of all, making her labors light.

The other was a house hold drudge, without those cheerful influences surrounding her house hold. Our Children Should be brought [p. 282] up in the fear of God, and their Souls fed by that Spirit which giveth life. We should live our religion in order to plant that religion in the minds of our children, never to be effaced. Having one interest: living above worldly things; This is the only way to accomplish the broad mission we are called to perform.

Self Sustenance is necessary to receive the blessings of the Temple. What proportion of our clothing comes from Babylon? We are constantly praying for the fall of Babylon. we shall never be free until we become self sustaining.

Speaker stated there was a ribbon loom in successful opperation, and expected silk machinery soon. How many Mulbery trees were growing here. spoke of the enterprize of Sister Mary Hindley in planting the lot in Mulberry trees, and also of the labors of all in the Silk business. felt to bless every one who had a few Silk worms, and was earnestly working for the shutting down of importation.

Had lately received Territorial Warrant to purchase Silk Machinery. Speaker had a Hat and silk dress trim[m]ed with lace, the products of Utah, of which she felt proud. The Lord had predicted a famine in the land. Are we prepared? Had the Lord Spoken to the nations? No, but to Zion.

Counseled the Saints to lay by all the Grain possible.—and as White Beans were not destroyed by insects as Grain was but would keep a hundred years. would advise [p. 283] the planting of this Vegetable, and prepare for the event which was sure to come. We have no time to tear down the reputation of others: should seek to Strengthen—lift up—and raise each other above the worldly minded.

We forget our callings, and high offices, feeling we were of the Earth. How sweet it was to feel that God was watching over us, and blessed us day by day: feeling the sweet Communion of Saints, then the toils of life was no drudgery. We look forward to the great future which awaits us with happiness. No Sting in Death, no gloomy prospect. it was like stepping from the Kitching to the parlor. Associating with the just and perfect Oh! What hopes, prospects, and Knowledge have the L. D. S. The Crown that awaits the faithful is before us. When the glory of this world has passed away, our bright hopes? through living faithfully the lives of Saints will be fully relized. May we attain to that Joy, and peace which is so liberally promised, and this be our happy lot through Jesus Christ.


[. . .] [p. 284] [. . .] [pp. 285–286] [. . .]

After which Sister E. Snow blessed the congregation in Tongues which was interpreted by Sister Z. D. Young. [. . .] [p. 287]

Source Note

American Fork Ward, Alpine Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1901), vol. 1 (1868–1880), pp. 281–287, CHL (LR 10636 14); Joseph B. Forbes, Secretary.

See also B., “American Fork Items,” Salt Lake Daily Herald 9, no. 13 (18 June 1878): [3]; and “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 3 (1 July 1878): 20.

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17 June 1878, American Fork Relief Society; American Fork, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/06/1878-06-17