18 June 1878

Pleasant Grove Young Ladies and Young Men; Pleasant Grove Meetinghouse, Pleasant Grove, Utah Territory

One-story, light stucco building with a bell turret

The Pleasant Grove meetinghouse was built in 1864, and later used as the Pioneer Hall by the Daughters of Utah Pioneers. Used by permission, Utah State Historical Society.

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There were present on the stand besides the local officers, Mrs. Zina D. Young and Miss E. R. Snow.

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Mrs. Zina D. Young then spoke as follows: . . . [p. 93] In a few years there will be no one on the face of the earth who ever saw him [Joseph Smith]. I remember the broken wine glass, which he then said was typical of the disunion of the United States. God has brought us along, step by step, and taught us as little children. Pray the Lord to bless the little I have spoken. Though it has been disconnected, still it is what the Lord presented to me.” [. . .]

Sister E. R. Snow next spoke. “I pray <that> the spirit of the Lord may be with us. Before I go further, I wish to describe the breaking of the wine glass. It first broke into two pieces, (the one on the north a little <the> larger,) and then was shivered into a thousand pieces. Joseph [Smith] drew the attention of all present to this incident, and said that that would be the fate of the United States. As this is the young people’s meeting, I wish [t]o give a few words of counsel to them. I hope every little boy and girl belongs to one of these associations. There is nothing more important than the education of our youth, In the early days of the church, the young people exercised all the gifts of the Gospel, but of later years, their spiritual faculties have not been cultivated so [p. 94] much: and when we commenced organizing these societies we were laughed at. They were very unpopular. The mothers did not see the importance of them. It is different now, because the good results can be seen. But even now there is too much apathy among the fathers and mothers. The young are not so much to blame. Prest. [Brigham] Young said that the young ladies could accomplish some things that he could not. They couldaccomplish [could accomplish] much good, if they only knew their influence. Should strive to promote home industry. I will make a proposition to the young ladies to gather straw, start a braiding-school, and manufacture their own hats and bonnets.— If there are any of you dillatory in attending your meetings, I exhort you to reform. mothers, if you want your daughters to become noble women, encourage them to attend their meetings and treasure up all useful intelligence, and practical knowledge.

I will say to the young brethren, never defile your bodies by the use of tobacco, if you wish to be honorable pillars in the Church of Jesus Christ.” Related an anecdote of John Calhoun, who resolved when young to become great, and who afterwards became pres Vice President of the United States. Said the young men of Zion had an aim higher than, this, should aim to become kings and priests in the Kingdom of God; and the young ladies to become queens and, with hearts filled with wisdom.— Proposed that young men should set out mulberry trees, and the young ladies assist in raising silk.— “We may talk till dooms day about becoming self sustaining, but u[n]less we unite our efforts, we will accomplish nothing. My prayer is that we may all be faithful.” Advised the appointment of an assistant Secy [secretary] whose sole duty it would be to keep a record of home reading. [p. 95]

Source Note

Pleasant Grove Ward, Utah Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1870–1901), vol. 1 (1870–1888), pp. 93–95, CHL (LR 7006 17); Huldah A. Winters, Secretary.

See also “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 3 (1 July 1878): 20; and D., “Nephi Notes,” Salt Lake Daily Herald 9, no. 15 (21 June 1878): [3].

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18 June 1878, Pleasant Grove Young Ladies and Young Men; Pleasant Grove Meetinghouse, Pleasant Grove, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/06/1878-06-18