27 June 1878

Mayfield Relief Society; Mayfield, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister R. Snow said how pleased she was to see the brethren here because she said that sanctioned our efforts she said we should try to keep closely united so as the devil could not find <room> here; she said we should try & sacrifice our personal feelings & try to be one & mourn with those that mourn she said she felt like crying glory when she thought of the dead ones & how beautiful they had gone, they had not worn out their mortal bodies in sickness she said they were so innocent too that they were sure to be in the celestial kingdom Sister Eliza told of a beautiful vision she herself had, & she said it was so beautiful to behold heavenly things that she thought it rather dreary to come back she compared this probation to a kitchen, she said if we were good L. D. S. we should ackno[w]ledge the hand of the Lord in all things and that all those that were bereaved if they live faithful should [p. 9] in a future time, rejoice & thank God for this circumstance; she said they should receive the dead ones just as they went, in health youth &c &, though hard to say dont grieve; though it is right to grieve to a certain extent; &, that if we had our way we would remove all trials from our paths & therefore would not prepare ourselves for celestial glory she said not to yield ourselves to grief for it would overcome us & thus drive away that good comforting spirit & by the help of God those parents could overcome this grief, for the Lord gave & the Lord taketh away & blessed be his name. Sister Eliza urged the sisters to be one & uphold each other in their place & be true to one another & true to God.

[. . .] Sister M. A. [Mary Ann Hyde] spoke in tongues also Sister Eliza R. Snow & Sister Zina Young gave the interpretation:

The land of Mayfield being dedicated in tongues. & a great many cheering & comforting words given to the bereaved by the same power

[. . .] [p. 10] [. . .]

Sister Eliza R. Snow then gave a little incident about dedicating land

[. . .] [p. 11]

Source Note

Mayfield Ward, Gunnison Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1877–1892), vol. 1 (1877–1882), pp. 9–11, CHL (LR 5358 14).

See also Agnes S. Armstrong, “In Memoriam,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 5 (1 Aug. 1878): 37.

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27 June 1878, Mayfield Relief Society; Mayfield, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/06/1878-06-27-b