23 July 1878

Salt Lake City Eighteenth Ward Relief Society; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

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Prayer by Sister E. R. Snow.

[. . .] [p. 24]

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Pres E R Snow then said: I feel happy to meet with my Sisters, I consider it a great privation to be deprived of attending meeting; its a great pleasure which we enjoy to be enabled to meet together, and talk of the G[r]eatness of God, I hope we will cherrish the good spirit which has pervaded our meetings since this Society has been organized, there are a great many duties devoloing [devolving] upon us, and while it occurs in my mind, I will mention one of our duties that we Should attend to, and that is voting. It is our priviledge to vote, and we should avail ourselves of the opportunity if we neglect this duty and be careless. The Lord will not protect this country, He wants us to do our part, I was pleased to see so many of [p. 25] our Sisters out last Evening to our Primary Meeting. Several of our Sisters were voted as delegates The Sphere of woman is widening out and we should qualify ourselves, So that we can walk side by side with our brethren. I am pleased to see so many little babies present, I like to see mothers attend meeting, and, if any one need the refreshing influence of the Spirit of God, it is a mother; I have heard Joseph Smith say: That the time would come, when little children would possess as much intelligence as older ones God bless you my sisters, and fill your hearts with joy and peace.

[. . .] [p. 26]

Source Note

Eighteenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1877–1941), vol. 1 (1877–1892), pp. 24–26, CHL (LR 2523 14); Mary Schettler, Secretary.

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23 July 1878, Salt Lake City Eighteenth Ward Relief Society; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/07/1878-07-23