29 July 1878

Midway Relief Society; Midway, Utah Territory

Meting of the Relief Society opon the occasion of a visit of sisters Eliza R. Snow & Zina Young to the Society [. . .] addressed by Sister Snow who instructed the Sisters in regard to our duties as saints and mothers in Israel said our minds were to much occupied with the things of this world and to apt to forget our holy covenants and the only way to be acceptable in the sight of God was to be obedient in all things asked if all the sisters in this place belonged to the Society if not they were trifling with their privileges said that the first duty of the Society was to look after the poor and take that care off the hands of the Bishop and that the Relief Society of this place stood in the same relation to the Bishop that the Relief Society of Nauvoo did to Joseph Smith also said that we must not find fault with each other for the Spirit of God would not dwell with a fault finding spirit exhorted the sisters to all belong to the society if they did not already belong to the same and those Sisters who could not come to meeting were not good financiers said we must not expect our husbands to save us for it would be all they could do to save themselves and if we ever attained to a Salvation we have to save ourselves she said to the mothers if any one needed the refreshing of the Spirit of the Lord they did and to keep their daughters at home and not let them go out from them better follow them to their graves first. Said that the [p. 112] Spiritual education of our children had been neglected untill a spirit had been developed in our sons entirely in opposition to the spirit of the Gospel and they had to be sent on missioins to learn that the gospel was true said the question was where the remedy was to be found no one could tell but the Lord revealed the remedy and President [Brigham] Young called on the Sisters to take the lead said she understood that the Young Sisters had not been o[r]ganized exhorted the Sisters to lay up grain spok of a young man who had a very singular vision advised the Sisters to dress their heads in home made and to plant Mulberry trees said she must not talk to long but felt to bless the Sisters.

[. . .] Sister Snow wanted to know if the Young Sisters wanted to be into a Society many expressed a wish to do so Bishop [David] Van Wagoner arose and endorsed what had been said by Sisters Snow and Young and counceld the Sisters to carry their out <out their> [p. 113] Instructions. [. . .] [p. 114]

Source Note

Midway Ward, Wasatch Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1877–1902), vol. 1 (1877–1902), pp. 112–114, CHL (LR 5556 14); Elizabeth Alexander, Secretary.

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29 July 1878, Midway Relief Society; Midway, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/07/1878-07-29