30 July 1878

Heber City Relief Society; Heber City, Utah Territory

[Editorial Note: This discourse was reported in two different sources. Both versions are transcribed below. For more information, see the source note following each transcript.]

I. From the Relief Society Minutes

We were Favored with having our Beloved sisters Eliza R snow and Zina D young on the <stand> In Heber City For the ist [first] time it was what we had Long hoped for [. . .] sister snow arose to address the audience she said she was glad to see so many of the Brethen taking so great interest with the sisters of the Relief society she did not know how it was with us here BUT if we are united we can Do much good the prophet Joseph smith said that all the sisters should Be members of the Relief society in Nauvoo Chastity was a test of fellowship Let us Learn to honor our positions to going to Meetings to get spiritual Food Let mothers pay their tithing and teach their Children to observe these things for it is mothers that give tone to society she felt she had No spare time BUT what should be Do Devoted to the interest of Zion shes thankful she had Never spoken against Celestial Marriage some sisters had asked her how Long shall we suffer these things she answered until they are no Longer a trial until we Have got the victory spoke of home industries the [she] Referred to many good things made some Further Remarks in Regard to storeing up wheat [. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Heber Branch, Wasatch Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1875–1883), n.p., CHL (LR 11349 14).

II. From the Woman’s Exponent

We were favored with having our beloved sisters, Miss Eliza R. Snow and Mrs. Zina D. Young on the stand, for the first time in Heber. It was what we had long hoped for. [. . .]

Miss Snow arose and said she was glad to see so many of the brethren taking so great an interest with the sisters of the Relief Society. She did not know how it was with the sisters here, but if we were united we could do much good. The Prophet Joseph Smith said that all the sisters should be members of the Relief Society, and in Nauvoo chastity was a test of fellowship. Let us learn refinement, honor our positions, and go to meeting to get spiritual food. Let mothers pay their tithing honorably, teaching their children to observe these things, for it is mothers that give tone to society. She felt that she had no spare time but what should be devoted to the interest of Zion; she had many times worked so hard before meeting time that she had to pray to the Lord to give her strength to get to meeting. She was thankful she had never spoken against Celestial Marriage. Some sisters had asked her “How long shall we suffer these trials?” she answered, until they are no longer a trial, until we have got the victory over them. Spoke of home-industries; dared not call for a vote, lest we should be ashamed. She told us to exercise faith, that the time may come when we can raise mulberry trees here. The Prophet Joseph [Smith] said the curse would not be taken off the earth all at once. She said, speak not evil one of another, for they that feared the Lord spoke often one to another, and a book of remembrance was kept. She did not wait for the Lord to force her when she was told to do anything. Made some further remarks in regard to storing up wheat and planting out beans.

[. . .] [p. 50]

Source Note

Ellen Lee, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 7 (1 Sept. 1878): 50.

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30 July 1878, Heber City Relief Society; Heber City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/07/1878-07-30