16 August 1878

Weber Stake Relief Society, Young Ladies, and Young Men; Ogden Tabernacle, Ogden, Utah Territory

A long, rectangular building with triangle roof, a single chimney, and three arched, front-facing windows.

Original Ogden Stake Tabernacle. Used by permission, Utah State Historical Society.

[. . .]

Sister Eliza R. Snow I am pleased with the reports of the Y. L. M. I. Association and wish to give instructions to the Secretaries, it would be well for them to mention the average attendance, also amount of books in their Library how many have been added Since last reports, how many papers taken and what they are.

[. . .] [p. 119] [. . .] [pp. 120–121] [. . .] [Francis A. Brown:] I had rather listen to the Sisters and would be glad if the whole world could hear the council and instruction been given by the Sisters [. . .]

[. . .] the eyes of the world are upon us, we are not only increasing by yearly emigration but at home, our children are growing up. Here is a labour Sister Snow has presented to us leading the young while their minds are tender and impressions are easily made and need a watchful care. [. . .] God bless Sister [Jane S.] Richards and Sister Snow I deem it a great privilege to behold her face and others that for so many years have battled for the truth [. . .] [p. 122]

Source Note

Weber Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records, vol. 7 (1878), pp. 119–122, CHL (LR 9970 14).

See also Weber Stake, Relief Society Conference Minute Book (1855–1899), pp. 42–44, CHL (LR 9970 29); “Relief Society Conference,” Deseret News 27, no. 29 (21 Aug. 1878): 457; Amelia M. Frodsham, “Relief Society Quarterly Conference: Weber Stake of Zion,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 7 (1 Sept. 1878): 54; “Returned,” Deseret News 27, no. 31 (4 Sept. 1878): 489; and Elizabeth A. Davis, “Report of Trip North,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 9 (1 Oct. 1878): 70.

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16 August 1878, Weber Stake Relief Society, Young Ladies, and Young Men; Ogden Tabernacle, Ogden, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/08/1878-08-16-b