20 August 1878

Milton Relief Society; Milton Schoolhouse, Milton, Utah Territory

Single-story, brick building with children, men, and women congregated at the entrance

Milton schoolhouse, Milton, Utah Territory, built after 1868. (Used by permission, Morgan County Historical Society.)

[. . .]

Sister Snow Arose by request of the presidentes [Marian K. Jenson]. said if the Sisters where living up to their priveledges she could not address us only by the Spirit of God but if <we> where Milk & water Saints she could entrust us by the Spirit of the world &c. said that as saints and mothers we should look after the Morals of our Sex; Spoke of the good of relief Societys said it was organised according to the pattern of the Priesthood. said the Sisters should not be lightminded or Vulger or indulge in the Spirit of faultfinding. but learn Nobler things. as our organations [organizations] was from [p. 110] God, & we where [were] the head of the world. said that we had much to encourage us in the gospel for the Spirit of God brought Joy & happiness wished us to act on principels, and not give way to feelings &c. said she wanted to live for the kin[g]dom her every interest was in building up zion. wanted the Sisters to encourage Silk Culture & straw Culture liked to see her sisters wear beautifull hats & Clothing if it was there own makeing. said the Wemon [Women] of Utah can do a great deal the Sisters where doing a Great work. She with her sisters were starting Primary organi[z]ations said there was agreat deal of intellagence in Zion Chirldrens &c. Councsiled the Sisters to lay up Grain. related avision a young man had A mesenger came to him & told him to follow him he thought he could not. but was told he must the Mesenger asked him what he most wished for he said Money he was Shown a bag of Gold & A sack of Flour & was told the Flour was of more Value than the Gold. that Young man was now laying up Flour instead of Gold. Spoke of Peter going afishing when the Lord called him. said if some of us had not gone fishing wle had some were [somewhere] else. urged [p. 111] the Sisters to be united if they had not done anything in relief Sociortys [societies] to Join at once and become live members. Spoke on the principle of Plural Marrage as she knew it to be anoble pr[i]nciple. said she was first to go in plural Marrage as she was the Phrophet Joseph [Smith’s] Wife. said that she had never spoke one word againts it and hoped that her sisters never wou[l]d, as it was aheavenly principel & one that would exalt us in the kindom of God. &c. Said she was happy to meet with the Saints of Milton and wished them to Meet together often as the more they met the more they would want to &c.

[. . .] [p. 112]

Sister [Elizabeth A.] Davis Arose said she was Glad to meet with her Brethern & Sisters supposed there were many there that had not heard Sister Snow speak before. said we <have> had some valuable [p. 113] Instructions and wished the Sisters to treshure [treasure] them up. that if the Sisters should ever have the prevaledge of hearing from Sister Snow again they would show to her that they had treashured up her Council indeed. said she had traveled with Sister Snow many times but she had Learnt from her some valuable instructions that day. said she could bear testimony with Sister Snow on Plural Marraige as from her childhood she knew it to be true. [. . .]

Sister [Lydia P.] Rich arose said she had recevied some valuable instruction and she knew if we put them in practise we would receive Great blessing [. . .] [p. 114]

Source Note

Milton 1st Ward, Morgan Utah North Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1970), vol. 1 (1868–1880), pp. 110–114, CHL (LR 5595 14).

See also “Returned,” Deseret News 27, no. 31 (4 Sept. 1878): 489; “Visit to Relief Societies,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 7 (1 Sept. 1878): 51; and Elizabeth A. Davis “Report of Trip North,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 9 (1 Oct. 1878): 70.

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20 August 1878, Milton Relief Society; Milton Schoolhouse, Milton, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/08/1878-08-20