10 September 1878

Brigham City Relief Society; Brigham City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Pres. H. [Harriet] Snow,

Was pleased to see so many present. I feel we are improveing and striving to do good, I hope we may all live unitedly, we have Sister E. R. Snow with us for which I feel thankful.

Sister E. R. Snow,

I always feel happy to meet with my sisters in Boxelder [Box Elder County], Sister H. says you are striving to improve I can see in you[r] faces great improvement, intelligence beaming from every countinance and thoes who posess the spirit of God, you are in advance of all of the settlements in unity and homeindustries [home industries], but you must not get proud when I say I see no nessity [necessity] to exhort you to union, and perseverence and home industries; the Lord has given us our orders to ask relief of him, and for all we do in obeying him his commands in as much as we gloryify his name, the eyes of the com[m]unity are upon you and also the world, you are held up as an example. I whould not have this united order fail, for thousands of others are striving to copy after your example, sisters remember the workers are <will> get the reward, divide not your intrest between heaven and earth, nor copy worldly folly, when we went into the waters of baptism we left a <the> world, then I went into the united order and all I posessed went in. I had money; I sent for the building committee of the Kirtland Temple asked if they wanted money they felt very thankful for they had a debt due, in return they offered me a note which I refused thinking all things were common, and all men wise saying also I can care for myself, but afterwards they made a house over to me which stands there yet my property. I refuzed to sell it. I am wateing [waiting] to get a hundred fold, and from that time to this it has been a warefare [warfare] between the flesh and the spirit, we want that which Jesus promised us if we forsake all I heard a sister say, she did not think it right to negle[c]t our homes and go to meeting not at all, [p. 116] mothers rearing families need refreshing spirituality in order to make home pleasant for husband and children, babes will be more quiet and cheerful if the mother is in posession of the spirit of God, never allow a word said disrespectful of the priesthood by the children or ever allow a word to slip from your own lips, and, never complain if you have not every thing your neighbor injoys; we do not as saints feel to set our hearts upon the things of the earth, but the riches of heaven, and there is no equel [equal] the saints will be rich when we are ready to enjoy it. Advised the sisters to be energetic in the sericulture.

[. . .] [p. 117]

Source Note

Box Elder Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1857–1944), vol. 3 (1875–1884), pp. 116–117, CHL (LR 933 14); Phebe A. Snow, Secretary.

See also “Returned,” Deseret News 27, no. 33 (18 Sept. 1878): 521.

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10 September 1878, Brigham City Relief Society; Brigham City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/09/1878-09-10-b