14 September 1878

Retrenchment Association; Fourteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Two-story, brick building surrounded by women, men, and children, with a sign above the entrance reading “Groceries & Provisions”

Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward Relief Society Hall, circa 1892. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .] Coun. E. R. Snow presided. After the exercises of singing, prayer and reading of minutes from Junior Associations, Coun. E. R. Snow made the following remarks: “I am well pleased with the minutes we have just heard; we have listened to good principles; and these meetings are a power, and it is growing. If you could have heard Elder Lorenzo Snow preach in Ogden, it would have gladdened you. He spoke of the effort of the sisters, and appreciated our works, and prophesied of our future. The sisters feel weak now, but the time will come when they will speak with the eloquence of angels. I attended the Quarterly Conference of Box Elder Stake Relief Society. Every branch of that organization in the county was reported. The various Presidents reported verbally in the afternoon.

“In these meetings our young ladies’ minutes form a very interesting portion. I have just been thinking what a vacancy it would make if they were left out. The minutes of the Children’s Association, read by Mrs. B. [Bathsheba] W. Smith’s grand-daughter, were as interesting as though spoken by an Elder. They foreshadow the future abilities and positions of these children.

“While in Brigham City, we selected the President and Counselors over the Primary organizations for each ward, and the Elders set them apart. The next day about two hundred and fifty children attended a special meeting. I told them it was their meeting, to worship God. They sang standing and prayed kneeling. They paid good attention to all they could understand. They expressed themselves glad to have an organization of their own, so they would not be afraid to speak. We consulted with the brethren, they were favorable and gave us all necessary aid. Committees visited each house, to ascertain the number of children between five and ten years of age.— we thought that the best period to begin work with. As the work progresses, we shall have older children included. Mrs. Harriet Snow, President of Box Elder Stake Relief Society, and I went to Willard City, and with the brethren organized the Primary Associations. We took a vote tosecure [to secure] the aid of the mothers. In their attire it does not matter how plain or ordinary it is, cleanliness is the main point. I would like to know how many in this congregation are willing to unite with us and sustain the Primary Associations here. (On motion the entire assembly rose to their feet.) Thank you, sisters, we will have it. We want to take the hearts of the young while they can be impressed. Many of our young ladies have not been trained so that they were anxious to unite with the Young Ladies’ Associations. We want it different after this; we want them to grow up in such faith that they need not rely upon doctors. Many of our mothers have not time, above the things of the world, to train the immortal soul. We want to train such mothers. It is hard to dispel the spirit of the world. I have conversed with two Bishops, who favored these movements.”

Mrs. Louie [B.] Felt was called to the stand, and was nominated to preside over the Primary Association of the 11th Ward, Mrs. Lizzie Felt and Louis Morris as Counselors. These sisters were unanimously sustained.

Miss Snow resumed her remarks, and referred specially to the coming Territorial Fair.

[. . .] [p. 66]

Source Note

R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 9 (1 Oct. 1878): 66.

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14 September 1878, Retrenchment Association; Fourteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/09/1878-09-14