19 September 1878

Tooele Stake Relief Society; Tooele, Utah Territory

[. . .] Miss Snow a[d]dressed the saints upon being united with the bretheren in working for the intrest of Zion and felt that the primary Assoc[i]ation will throw a protection around the children and fill there lit[t]le harts with good that they may be brought up noble men and women mightiy in faith and wisdom and integraty and trust in god— [. . .] [p. 2]

[. . .] [p. 3]

Miss Snow anonsed [announced] she would like to see all the children from 5 to 10 years of age in the meeting house to morrow at 10 [. . .]

Afternoon Meeting comensed [. . .] Miss E R Snow then gave some instructions concerning this organization that the first quarterly reports given at the first conferance of the reliefe socity at this stake shall include the reports from the begining of the organization of each branch up to the time of such report mention all changes in the offices how much in the in the treasury how much disbursed so much for temple—for the poor for Emagration fund how much wheat stored and so forth advised the sec[r]etaries to not do any more writing then is needfull the Minits [minutes] can be condensed so has [as] to do no more writing then nessasary [p. 4] only be carefull to mention all buisness matters of importance and be sure to record every thing correctly in the spirit it is given spoke very plainley and forcibly upon the need of confidence in each other and in god and urged upon us to prise [rise?] above the trials of this wourld [world] and live indeed [in deed] and thruth [truth] before god that we may be entitled to an heritance that faideth not a way Made some very butifull [beautiful] remarks upon the death of a true saint and said this organ[i]zation extends beyond the vail and there is a plase [place] prepared for each of us when we pass away and an escort to take us safe home so we can look forward with pleasure to the day when our work is done our father is eduacating us he loves his daughters Just has much has is sons if we are faithfull

[. . .]

Miss Snow called upon the sisters to get up spesimens of work any kind that will be creditable for the coming faire in October

[. . .] [p. 5]

Source Note

Tooele Utah Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1971), vol. 1 (1878–1921), pp. 2–5, CHL (LR 9215 14).

See also Tooele Ward, Tooele Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1870–1913), vol. 1 (1870–1882), p. 120, CHL (LR 9216 14); and Tooele Ward, Tooele Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1870–1913), vol. 1 (1870–1882), n.p. (loose sheets), CHL (LR 9216 14).

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19 September 1878, Tooele Stake Relief Society; Tooele, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/09/1878-09-19