24 October 1878

Morgan Stake Relief Society; South Morgan Schoolhouse, Morgan, Utah Territory

Single-story, brick school with chimney stacks; men and children pose in front

South Morgan schoolhouse, Morgan, Utah Territory. (Used by permission, Morgan County Historical Society.)

Present on the stand Sisters Eliza R Snow & Elizabeth [A.] Davis of Salt Lake [. . .]

Sister E. R. Snow. then arose and expressed herself as being much pleased, with the privelage of meeting with her sisters <in> a stake capacity, Was also pleased with the reports which had been read, said that we had been the most punctual in getting up our report of any place she had visited, she did not expect the first would be easiest but we could learn

She then gave some instructions concerning the manner of doing business also some instruction to the Secretaries She regretted much to see that here as in other places the average attendence of members to their meetings were so small. She also said that our Organization was of very great importance, to us—wished all the sis to step forward & be faithfull Lat[t]er Day Saints—but that perhapse the tears [tares] would grow with the wheat. until the Coming of our <Lord &> Savior Jesus Christ but it was her desire that all should step forward and share in the blessings of the Relief Society. said our Organization in a stake capacity would be a great benefit to us she though that all of us felt interested in accomplishing the work the Lord had for us to do said also that reading the Reports of the different societies in Con [conference] would show to Each what the rest were doing & stimulat[e] them to good works & also to Union

she said that the Lord requires our whole hearts [p. 3] time talent & Energy & if we devote all to him and his Kingdom we had made a good bargain

Said the more we get acquainted with each other the more we would love each other—we should-not hold hard feelings against one-another as there are troubles and trials enough in this life without this and <that> by so doing we would injure ourselves and loose our reward

We must not look for perfection in eachother for it does not belong to this Earth and we have no right to find fault with those who are called to preside over us nor dictate to them

Said if our B. P. [bishop] done wrong we have no wright [right] to find fault with him as he was amenable only to those placed over him

The sisters in the Stake should not call their President in question but uphold her by their faith and prayers. We must not try to steady the ark and referred to what befell the Children of Isreal. who undertook to do so

Said we should not carry tales nor listen to tale-bearers but hold eachothers Characters sacred & cultivate the spirit of love & union. the Gospel of Jesus Christ Knit and bound togather

If we were united we could accomplish a good deal and our Enemies might help themselves if they could prayed that we might be enabled thus to live as to secure these blessings in the name of Jesus

Sister E Davis [. . .] exhorted us to treasure up the good instructions we had received & practice them in our lives and thus be benefitted [. . .]

Prest W. [William] G. Smith—said I am pleased with those who have spoken their feelings this morning [. . .]

[. . .] [p. 4] [. . .]

[. . .]

At 2. P.M. Con [conference] Convened [. . .] [p. 5]

Sister E R Snow then arose—said when we have the spirit of God with us we do not mind being crowded Brother Heber [C.] Kimball used to say we should sit so close togather as to keep the Devil out

Said she was much pleased with the sisters who had reported the different societies over which they presided as they had not one of them wasted time in making apologies—Said there was enough to talk about & we should always be prepared to give useful instruction Thought we spent too much time in folly When we meet we should have words of comfort for eachother Said there was a continual warfare between the spirit & the flesh on account of the tendency of our Earthly bodies drawing us downward While our spirits tended to draw us upward.

The Organization of Relief Societies is designed to elevate woman and give her a little different training to what she has had heretofore

Prest [Brigham] Young Gave the sisters a mission in connection with the Brethren to lead out in Homemanufactures [home manufacture] said—the principles of Union and industry would lead to the united order. Wished the sisters in this Con to make themselves eminent by leading out <unitedly> in some branch of homeindustry [home industry] reccommended us to manufacture all the Hats & Bonnets necessary for our use regretted that this season had gone by without sufficient straw having been saved to make them

Wished them made nice that we might look as well and tastefully dressed as the Women of Bab [Babylon]

Reccommended that the means thus saved be spent in getting the necessary machinery for the manufacturing of the Ribbons and trimmings we kneed [need], Said they were now making some very nice Ribbon but not nearly enough to supply the market

Said that Prest Young said he didnot [did not] wish to live to see the suffering of <that> this people would have to endure if they didnot Carry out his Council

Said we could accomplish a great-deal if we were faithfull and prayerful as the “Prayer of faith [p. 6] availith much”

Wished to bear her testimony to the principle of Celestial Marriage It was taught by the Prophet [Joseph Smith] and at the time she went into it there was no Earthly prospect of her ever becoming an acknowledged Wife but she knew it was true & was thankful that she could now have it to say “she had never murmured against it[”] she thought we were like little Children and did not always know what would be best for us but the Lord is pleased with who will not acknowledge the hand of God in all things

Exhorted us to always keep the channel of communication open between us and our heavenly Father

[. . .] [p. 7]

Source Note

Morgan Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records, vol. 1, pp. 3–7, CHL (LR 5777 14); Huldah Cordelia Smith, Secretary.

See also “Relief Society Quarterly Conference,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 12 (15 Nov. 1878): 90; “Report of a Missionary Tour,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 13 (1 Dec. 1878): 103; and Croydon Ward, Morgan Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1875–1973), vol. 1 (1875–1904), p. 28, CHL (LR 2061 14).

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24 October 1878, Morgan Stake Relief Society; South Morgan Schoolhouse, Morgan, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/10/1878-10-24