7 November 1878

Farmington Young Ladies; Farmington Meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah Territory

Single-story, stone meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah, circa 1900

Farmington meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah, circa 1900. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .] There were present as visitors Sis. E. R. Snow and Z. D. [Zina D. H.] Young.

Sis. Snow could plainly see by listening, to the report, and paper which had just been read, that the young Ladies had not been Idle could well remember when the Association was organized five years ago. Was pleased to see the young ladies taking so great an interest in the meetings. She always took a great interest in the education & development of the young for they are Zions future hopes. Knew the young ladies had done a great deal of good already but it is only a start compared to what they can and will do. Sisters we can listen day after day to what the Lord requires of us but it is the carrying into effect that will gain the reward. We often sing “Zion is free” but Zion is far from being free. and it never will be free as long as we are so dependant on Babylon as we are at present The world generaly believe us to be an Ignorant and degraded people and when will they ever think any thing else of us if we set down and let them make the clothes which we wear and the styles after which we make them then let us make our styles and fassions [fashions] and every-thing which we use, then we can truthfuly say <sing> “Zion is free.” We have every thing to incourage us for we have proven God and we know his words are true

[. . .] [p. 280] [. . .]

Sis. Snow then asked all who had home-made hats on to arise to their feet About one third of the Sisters arose. She then blessed the congregation in tongues and Sis. Zina interpreted it.

Pres. [Lucy A.] Clark thought it useless to try to add any thing to what had been said but hoped the words which had been ut[t]ered by the sisters would sink deep into the young Sisters. [. . .] [p. 281]

Source Note

Farmington Ward, Davis Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1873–1950), vol. 1 (1873–1883), pp. 280–281, CHL (LR 2816 17); Wealthy Richards, Secretary.

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7 November 1878, Farmington Young Ladies; Farmington Meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/11/1878-11-07