7 February 1879

Riverdale Relief Society; Riverdale, Utah Territory

[. . .] Sister E R Snow then made remarks to the Sisters.

Said the Relief Society was organized the 26th of March 1840.1 Brother Joseph Smith said where ever the Church <of Christ> was fully organized the Relief Society would exist. In olden times. we read in the scripture we read of the Elect Lady. That is why Sister Emma Smith was called the elect Lady. Said the time would come when every good faithful Sister would be a member of the Relief Society. The sisters are called to look after the sick. that is not all. they are to save souls. Some think the Brethren have all the work to do. But we all have work to do to save ourselves. Some may think the brethren can save us. I would not pin my faith on any mans sleave. but put my faith and trust in god. and do so rejoicing. But there seems to be a lack of energy and faith in some of my sisters. It is your duty to vote I would as soon as think of neglecting my prayers as not to vote. I think it a sacred duty we ought to attend to. If there are any here, that have not the right to vote, I would say get your naturalization papers. Some may say it will cost me five dollars. Well suppose it does by casting your vote in the right direction you are building up the kingdom of god. Sisters when back in the old country, would think it but a trifle for the cause of Zion. At our Relief Society meeting in Nauvoo, Brother Joseph Smith used to meet with us, and he always gave us good counsel, he told us to be kind to all and be honest in all our dealings. It was at one of our meetings, that he told us that he told us that he should soon leave us. that he would not be with us long. You can judge what an impression it made upon my soul. The Sisters have been counseled to lay up grain. but it is expected the brethren will assist them. We have quite a little wheat on hand but if there was a famine in this land how far would it go, all we have would not seem much. If the young Ladies [p. 77] You are organized in this place I think you sisters that belong to the Relief Society will have to be more energetic and more up to your duties, or the Young Ladies will go ahead of you. I would say that all the members of the relief Society ought to be good women honest virtuous upright characters. Some sisters that join the society make a great mistake to let the time go to waste and not improve themselves. Sisters be faithful and perform your duties. Sisters of the Relief Society and young Ladies Association make yourselves useful in the Kingdom of God. uphold home manufacture store up Grain. If there are any that have not a testimony for themselves, seek for it by Prayer to God that you may have a revelation for yourself for you cannot know it any other way. I would like to know if the young sisters of this place wish to be organized into a Mutual improvement Association to learn to improve yourselves to be pure chaste honorable and virtuous women.

The Young Ladies expressed their desire to be organized by raising their right hands.

[. . .] [p. 78]

Source Note

Riverdale Ward, Weber Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1872–1973), vol. 1 (1872–1884), pp. 77–78, CHL (LR 7535 14); Hannah A. Child, Secretary.

See also “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 19 (1 Mar. 1879): 203.

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7 February 1879, Riverdale Relief Society; Riverdale, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/02/1879-02-07


  1. [1]The founding of the Relief Society in Nauvoo was on 17 March 1842.