8 February 1879

Marriott Relief Society; Marriott Schoolhouse, Marriott [Marriott-Slaterville], Utah Territory

[. . .] President Anne [Ann R.] Bickington expressed great pleasure in seeing so large an attendance, and welcomed Sister E. R. Snow, and other ladies from Ogden & Salt Lake Cities.

Sister E. R. Snow, said she hoped the spirit of the Lord would be poured out upon us, so that we might be benefitted in coming together. She was pleased with the minutes of the two associations, but she would have been better pleased to have heard that the young sisters had voted to put down round dances,1 also too vote that they would not wear anything on their heads but Home Made Hats. This would do me more good than all the choice wishes the brethren and sisters talk so much about, mysteries of the kingdom &c—I feel like talking to the young sisters to-day, for they can do much good.

We sisters have mission to perform, we have to encourage Home Industries, she sa[i]d the most of her clothing was home-made, and the Lord approved of so much as was home-made. In the minutes read in our hearing to-day there were excellent testimonies, but, no remarks about Home Industries; nor raising mulberry trees and creating out of the Elements of Utah the things necessary for our comfort and subsistence.—The Relief Societies were created by revelation to assist the Bishop’s in taking care of the Poor and trying to create Home-Industries. &c [p. 118]

The Sisters here are Organised into Stakes and Sister Jane [S.] Richards is called to Preside over Weber Stake. It is the duty of the sisters to settle difficulties among each other, and if they cannot accomplish it, they are to call upon Sister Richards “their Prest.” of the Stake and if her and counsillors cannot settle the difficulties then they can appeal to the Bishop.—Every woman has the Germs in her to become a Godess, all that are needed is to have them wisely and properly cultivated. I want to wake up the young people, to the necessity of assisting to establish Home-Industries for we cannot boast till Zion is free. and we can furnish all we need. I think the Germ of conscience is planted within us, and it becomes developed according to the circumstances we are surrounded with.

We are taking the very small children and organising them into Societies and they are doing very well, we have been talking for half-a-century about supporting ourselves, but, how little we have done towards it. If we sisters would go to work and plant out Mulberry Trees; and go to raising silk, and be prepared to clothe ourselves when Babylon falls; if we don’t plant out the Mulberry Trees we can’t raise the silk. Sister Snow called for all who wore Home made Hats to get up on their feet. Sister Snow said she was glad to see that, she believed there was as good a set of sisters in this place, as in any place in Zion—

Sister [Sarah A.] Herrick said I have enjoyed myself very much [. . .] Sister Snow has asked me to speak on Home Made. I can say I have wore it most of my life, My Mother was raised to make most of our clothing. I have wore Home made Hats, since I have been able to get them, have patronized the Relief Store (in Ogden) and I am thankful for it. I hope the sisters will go to raising Mulberry Trees, and that the young ladies will follow in the same direction. [. . .] [p. 119]

Source Note

Marriott Ward, Farr West Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1869–1973), vol. 2 (1874–1886), pp. 118–119, CHL (LR 5304 14).

See also “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 19 (1 Mar. 1879): 203.

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8 February 1879, Marriott Relief Society; Marriott Schoolhouse, Marriott [Marriott-Slaterville], Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/02/1879-02-08-a


  1. [1]See “Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association” in Historical Context.