30 April 1879

Brigham City First Ward Relief Society; Brigham City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Prestd [President] H. [Harriet A.] Snow felt well in the faith. was happy to see the Sisters from the City in our midst, thought it wisdom to give the Meeting into their hands

Sister, E. R. Snow, Sisters I am happy to meet with you. I was very much gratified to hear your Minutes read. they were very interesting to me, and I feel that you in the first Ward are awake to your duties. knew that Woman can do a great deal. and what a good report was being carried up on high for us continuely. but hoped there was no evil report knew it was our duty to do all the good we can. and no evil related a very interesting dream she had, had, Urged the Sisters to lead good and useful lives, we were here to form our charictors for good or evil then let us be energetic in doing all the good we can. I understand you are about to go in erenest [earnest] and raise Silk. and I wish you to form a Silk Association for this purpose wished the Sisters to go right ahead and take care of all the leaves, as the Machineary was now here and ready to go [p. 57] to work. hoped every family would feel interested, said President [John] Taylor had spoke of building a Hospital for us to take care of our sick. and we should want some good experenced Nurses to attend the sick. we must live for the good of others at all times, for if we lived just to gratify ourselves we were selfish indeed. spoke some on planting beans and takeing care of them, said Let us be wide awake to our duties and commence with small things, and we did not know how much good we could accomplish, the Lord helped those that helped themselves, said the Prophet Joseph [Smith] in years that were past often meet with, and took great interest in the Relief Societies

Sisters let us be faithful

[. . .] [p. 58] [. . .]

Sister. E. R. Snow Urged the Sisters to improve their abilities, we could never express our thoughts unless we made the effort, spoke expressly to the Young Sisters hoped they would improve themselves, get up and speak and commence while you are young and cultivate the gift of speaking if we spend our time in gratifying the desires of the flesh. we would perish and be forgotten, there was nothing that added so much beauty to the appearance as the Spirit of God, and if we acted on upright principles we were all right

[. . .] [p. 59]

Source Note

Brigham City First Ward, Box Elder Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1982), vol. 1 (1878–1982), pp. 57–59, CHL (LR 988 14).

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30 April 1879, Brigham City First Ward Relief Society; Brigham City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/04/1879-04-30