16 May 1879

Moroni Relief Society; City Hall, Moroni, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister Snow then spoke she was very happy to meet with The saints of God no matter where and she thought it was our Privilage to become sons and Daughters of the most high through the waters of Babtism we ought to have Confidance In one another and <work for> each other intrest she Counseld the sisters to Incourage home industry in making thier own hats and Bonnets and rais mulbury trees that they Could make thier Silk she said where-ever [where ever] the saints dwelt the land should Be blest if they would have faith the Curse should be Taken off they would be united she never asked the Lord for any thing but what she got it she also said it required A Will to do the work and were thier was will thier was A Way [. . .] [p. 140]

Source Note

Moroni Ward, North Sanpete Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1871–1920), vol. 2 (1872–1881), p. 140, CHL (LR 5786 14); Mary H. Draper, Secretary.

See also “Woman’s Work,” Deseret Evening News 12, no. 143 (12 May 1879): [3].

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16 May 1879, Moroni Relief Society; City Hall, Moroni, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/05/1879-05-16