14 June 1879

Tooele Young Ladies; Social Hall, Grantsville, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister Snow was mutch pleased with the reports was glad to hear the sisters speak knew that [p. 16] it was a trying ordeal to get up and speak thought of the time when she had to go into court where fourteen of the brethern was up for trial we were preparing our selves for something higher the Lord wants us to become mighty women in zion to stand forth in earthquakes pestilence and famine as the day was coming when it would be needed had any of us obeyed the gospel of Christ she had not when she had done all that she could she had not obeyed it These Societies is organized after the pattern of the Church when we come to a case that needs Settling right should we go to the bishop with it we should not as these Societies was for a help to the bishop arouse our selves and do something it would take more than this life to work out our salvation if we lived to a great age we still have a claim on our father he laid our duty before us it was our duty to comply and not to be told every thing but to go to and do what had to be done we have no claim unless we exercise ourselves continue moving forword the Gospel of Christ was to relieve the human mind and to save us how many have you saved we should be wise Mothers and bring our children up as they ought to be The primary was for a School for the children is of more consequence than their clothing the holy Ghost requires pure tabernacles Mothers more than fathers are accountable for the acts of their Children what [p. 17] would they be if left to grow up as they would unless you throw your protection around them a few would do right and the rest would go astray Asked God to bless us all in the name of Jesus

[. . .] [p. 18]

Source Note

Tooele Ward, Tooele Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1874–1913), vol. 2 (1877–1884), pp. 16–18, CHL (LR 9216 17): Eliza Craner, Secretary.

See also Mary A. Hunter, Mary A. House, and Ann Tate, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 5 (1 Aug. 1879): 34.

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14 June 1879, Tooele Young Ladies; Social Hall, Grantsville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/06/1879-06-14-b